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My little sister gets suspended for conspiracy theorizing...?

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posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by Raist
I have followed this thread from beginning to end even made a few comments.

I see this thread is nothing more than a hamster wheel. It has gone round and round and nothing has been gained from it. It is a brick wall with a head beating against it. After the last ten or more pages all I can do is shake my head.


It started out interesting.

Everybody is entitled to express their opinion....Even Phage.

None of us were there.

Yet some of these self righteous blow-hards are so full of preconceived notions.

They just hijacked then derailed the thread....Too bad.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by whyamIhere

I think Phage made some good points though, as did many others.

I agree it started out interesting, and for some reason I made sure to read every page over the last few days. Maybe hoping something would change. Maybe hoping for more information.

Now though it seems the same things are being repeated over and over. Not that I am expecting to see someone change their mind (rarely does that happen on ATS, at least in one thread, generally it takes years), but I was hoping that more information would come forward.

There is more to this story that we are not getting. There is certainly a history with the sister and the teacher. However without more detail and the rest of the story we are at a stand stll it seems.


posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by Furbs

You're really disturbed by this, aren't you? Get over it.

Once again, I never told any of you much of what I teach her, or how I do so, so you have no right to claim it's indoctrination. And for the record, my mother never gets to see her, my father is a pill head without much time for the world, and my stepmother is a manic depressive bipolar lunatic who likes to scream and abuse kids.

To be honest, I think I'm the best adult influence my brother and sister have. Actually, I KNOW it.

You, however, know nothing. You're very obviously ignorant of our situation, so you have no right to judge me for my relationship with my sister--because you know nothing about it except the one or two select details I had to put in the thread to tell the story.

Now, go whine to someone else about their life. I'm sure they wanna hear it as much as I do.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
You, however, know nothing. You're very obviously ignorant of our situation, so you have no right to judge me for my relationship with my sister--because you know nothing about it except the one or two select details I had to put in the thread to tell the story.

She was suspended because of you.

Because of what you've been filling her head with - - according to you.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 10:18 PM
What do you teach her anyway? My comment got stuck at the bottom of the last page n probably went unread.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by Phage

Like I told the other troll--I hardly revealed anything about how I teach her, or what I teach her, so you have no base to claim it's indoctrination. We're speculators, that's all. You're never too young to do that.

Your sadly off-beat opinion of my world views actually made me laugh. I was using the "gay, bi, sex and NWO" stuff as examples of what most people who holler "I have an open mind!" agree with. That's most people's idea of an open mind, and, like I said, I find it sickening.

I won't go out of my way to hate gay people or anything. I don't agree with it, but I have had gay friends, I would never preform a hate crime simply out of my beliefs. They have to answer for their actions, not me. Not my problem.

And, what do you mean, keep it up? I can't stop making mistakes, I'm human. I have to make them to learn from them. Besides, that was an honest question. Who IS right all the time? You didn't provide an answer, you insulted me for asking the question. I find that pathetic.

So, my teaching my sister to think freely no matter what any teacher says is "weaving ignorance around her?" Really? And I suppose the school system can teach flawlessly. Once again, pathetic.

You know a couple of select details about my sister and I from this thread, but over all, you know nothing, and you're slinging your accusations around, making it seem as though I'm some dark demon conspirator in the shadows, whispering insane voices into my sister's head until she goes insane. Not the case. Sorry.

You're not making an argument anymore, you're picking at my statements and trying to find flaws in them.

And, you're talking about my sister and I as though you actually KNOW what you're talking about!

You don't even know us! Just shut up!

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by dayve

I always remind her when I see her, when the teacher explains a rule or something else that you don't agree with, always question them on it, and always ask why. Don't be afraid to ask questions like I was. I was always afraid to ask questions because I felt stupid, but my sister isn't like that. She's not afraid to ask at all, and I'm proud of her for that.

I also tell her that things in the history books may not always be exactly what they look like, because over all, they want to present America as a favorable, wonderful place to the youth of the nation, so they don't particularly focus on America's mistakes, or their questionable methods (the slaughter of Indians and countless other races, things like that).

And, I always tell her to express herself and encourage her friends to do the same things I encourage her to do. I really want her to build an individual, independent, strong, but loving and caring personality, and I think she's doing a great job, especially regarding our family situations.

Other topics of conspiracies, like the ones on ATS, like UFOs and the more interesting threads about political scandals, I bring up to her every now and then and ask her opinion on it. She is extremely intelligent, and she gives the kind of untarnished, pure feedback that you can only get from a child

There you go, people. Now, those of you whining about how I teach my sister even though you didn't know a thing about it--now you know a little. Go ahead and start criticizing. Don't care.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

I call that [SNIP] awesome!! lol

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.
Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.
edit on 12-6-2012 by Gemwolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
reply to post by dayve

I always remind her when I see her, when the teacher explains a rule or something else that you don't agree with, always question them on it, and always ask why. Don't be afraid to ask questions like I was. I was always afraid to ask questions because I felt stupid, but my sister isn't like that. She's not afraid to ask at all, and I'm proud of her for that.

I also tell her that things in the history books may not always be exactly what they look like, because over all, they want to present America as a favorable, wonderful place to the youth of the nation, so they don't particularly focus on America's mistakes, or their questionable methods (the slaughter of Indians and countless other races, things like that).

And, I always tell her to express herself and encourage her friends to do the same things I encourage her to do. I really want her to build an individual, independent, strong, but loving and caring personality, and I think she's doing a great job, especially regarding our family situations.

Other topics of conspiracies, like the ones on ATS, like UFOs and the more interesting threads about political scandals, I bring up to her every now and then and ask her opinion on it. She is extremely intelligent, and she gives the kind of untarnished, pure feedback that you can only get from a child

There you go, people. Now, those of you whining about how I teach my sister even though you didn't know a thing about it--now you know a little. Go ahead and start criticizing. Don't care.

That sounds like a good thing n a bad thing..... Its not my sister/daughter so I dont care, but when kids start askin questions about rules, is when they start breakin em and makin their own...

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

You know a couple of select details about my sister and I from this thread, but over all, you know nothing, and you're slinging your accusations around, making it seem as though I'm some dark demon conspirator in the shadows, whispering insane voices into my sister's head until she goes insane. Not the case. Sorry.

Exactly. Select details. Selected by you. You haven't told us the whole story. You've told us select details of your side of it. But your problem is that some people have the power of critical thought and realize that. Some people don't have a knee jerk reaction and agree with you that it must be the teacher who is at fault, that it couldn't possibly be your little sister.

You started out by talking about teaching your sister about conspiracy theories and then told us that you are teaching her about your version of Christianity and evil. Now you're talking about homosexuality and menage a tois and orgies. You brought it up, out of the blue, no one else did. BTW, you should know that there are many here who believe that Christianity is one of the greatest conspiracies of all time.

Who said anything about insanity? You keep bringing this stuff out of your own head. What I said is that you are indoctrinating her. What I said is that you are not giving her an open mind. What I said is that you are not teaching her independent, critical thinking. And the more you say the more convinced I am of that.

You don't even know us! Just shut up!

I know what you've told us and I don't find it a pretty picture. Sorry, you don't get to tell people here what to say or think no matter how much you stomp your foot.

edit on 6/12/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
reply to post by Furbs

You're really disturbed by this, aren't you? Get over it.

Once again, I never told any of you much of what I teach her, or how I do so, so you have no right to claim it's indoctrination. And for the record, my mother never gets to see her, my father is a pill head without much time for the world, and my stepmother is a manic depressive bipolar lunatic who likes to scream and abuse kids.

To be honest, I think I'm the best adult influence my brother and sister have. Actually, I KNOW it.

So.. a kid that was raised by a drug addict and a lunatic is now teaching her younger sister what the world is like.

You, however, know nothing. You're very obviously ignorant of our situation, so you have no right to judge me for my relationship with my sister--because you know nothing about it except the one or two select details I had to put in the thread to tell the story.

You don't honestly think the internet is so small that I am not aware of more than what you are telling me, do you? A few simple google searches opened up a lot about who you are and the kinds of ideas you have. If you are sharing even a fraction of the stuff with your sister that you post online.. she has more than a day of suspension to worry about.

Now, go whine to someone else about their life. I'm sure they wanna hear it as much as I do.

If you aren't interested in hearing people tell you about what they think about your life.. stop asking people about your personal business.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

To be honest, I think I'm the best adult influence my brother and sister have. Actually, I KNOW it.

I'm curious OP, did you graduate from high school and do you work? What kind of job do you hold? Do you have your own place, car, insurance etc.? Do you plan to go to college?

I ask because you seem jaded with conformity and seem to lack respect for education. What kind of future do you see for yourself? What does you little sister want to be when she is a grown up?

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 12:13 AM
Hey OP, just curious..

.. did the events in this thread happen before or after your father had an order of protection filed protecting your siblings from you?

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by Phage

I can tell whoever I want whatever I like. Sorry, that's how it works, because, so far, America is still a free country.

I understand you're trying to tell me what I'm teaching my little sister and how I'm indoctrinating her and all that BS, but see, like I said about four times--you don't know us, so you have no right to claim I'm teaching her in any way contrary to what I've said.

You can think critically all you want. I never said my sister was an angel. You're just making it sound that way.

Yeah, I said shut up, because you're going on, and on, and on and on and on about how I teach my sister wrongly, when you know nothing about it. So, yes, I really think you should shut it.

Not because I'm a close minded Christian, no... but because you're saying the same thing over in different words, and speaking about my family out of pure ignorance, because you have no idea who we are, how we think, or how I share my information with her.

Whine all you want.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

I never said my sister was an angel. You're just making it sound that way.

I never said that you did. I said you gave us one side of the story. This is the first indication you've given that your sister just may possibly have had some role in her suspension.

I'm not whining. I'm stating my opinion. An opinion reached by applying critical thinking to the information you've provided us. The information you've given us indicates that you are not helping your sister toward having an open mind, or the concept of critical thinking.

edit on 6/12/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by Furbs


And, before you go thinking I did anything wrong, you should know that my family are the kind of people who cartel drugs all throughout the eastern part of this state, steal charity from churches, use my brother's disability check to purchase hydros, and put false restraining orders on me because I started helping my mother to try to get my brother and sister taken away from them because they live in an abusive and neglectful home with my psychopath stepmother, who is an ex prostitute and extremely dangerously unstable.

My step sister was the one who made the false claim (I think she was told to do so by my step mother, because she was given permission, or rewarded, to smoke under their roof even though she's only 13), and she is worse than her mother, my step mother. In fact, she's called the police on several other people claiming falsely that they abused them just as she did me, one of them being my father. The girl is tweaked, and addicted to drama. I was one of her targets, nothing more.

Those people all put together have made more false police reports than I can count, on various family members of mine, not just me.

So, of course they were threatened by me. I'm not the same as they are.

And, just out of curiosity, how did you come to find out about that restraining order incident?

I don't remember telling anyone about that on ATS (I could be wrong, because it was a long time ago, but I just don't remember mentioning it on this site).

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
reply to post by Furbs


And, before you go thinking I did anything wrong, you should know that my family are the kind of people who cartel drugs all throughout the eastern part of this state, steal charity from churches, use my brother's disability check to purchase hydros, and put false restraining orders on me because I started helping my mother to try to get my brother and sister taken away from them because they live in an abusive and neglectful home with my psychopath stepmother, who is an ex prostitute and extremely dangerously unstable.

My step sister was the one who made the false claim (I think she was told to do so by my step mother, because she was given permission, or rewarded, to smoke under their roof even though she's only 13), and she is worse than her mother, my step mother. In fact, she's called the police on several other people claiming falsely that they abused them just as she did me, one of them being my father. The girl is tweaked, and addicted to drama. I was one of her targets, nothing more.

Those people all put together have made more false police reports than I can count, on various family members of mine, not just me.

So, of course they were threatened by me. I'm not the same as they are.

So, in light of all of this, is it not at the very least within the realm of possibility that your sister is acting out at school because she is being raised by these people, and that you are in fact aiding in her defiance by giving her the ammunition required to act out?

And, just out of curiosity, how did you come to find out about that restraining order incident?

I don't remember telling anyone about that on ATS (I could be wrong, because it was a long time ago, but I just don't remember mentioning it on this site).

You just did.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by windword

Yes, I've graduated, and have my own place and a job (actually, I have a couple of room mates, but we all work to take care of the place). Not sure about college yet.

You're right, I don't respect the public education system, because it, like most other establishments, is corrupt.

However, if you want to make a decent (and legal) amount of money and afford a living, a degree from high school and college is pretty much a must-have.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by Raist
reply to post by whyamIhere

I think Phage made some good points though, as did many others.

I agree it started out interesting, and for some reason I made sure to read every page over the last few days. Maybe hoping something would change. Maybe hoping for more information.

Now though it seems the same things are being repeated over and over. Not that I am expecting to see someone change their mind (rarely does that happen on ATS, at least in one thread, generally it takes years), but I was hoping that more information would come forward.

There is more to this story that we are not getting. There is certainly a history with the sister and the teacher. However without more detail and the rest of the story we are at a stand stll it seems.


I think the last few posts the OP made really cemented the story. We can clearly see that the sister was subjected to some very off-the-wall ideas and, if anything like her sibling, probably lashed out often. That alone would be enough to create a history of behavior issues and justify the suspension given the events that were reported.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
reply to post by Furbs

You're really disturbed by this, aren't you? Get over it.

Once again, I never told any of you much of what I teach her, or how I do so, so you have no right to claim it's indoctrination. And for the record, my mother never gets to see her, my father is a pill head without much time for the world, and my stepmother is a manic depressive bipolar lunatic who likes to scream and abuse kids.

To be honest, I think I'm the best adult influence my brother and sister have. Actually, I KNOW it.

You, however, know nothing. You're very obviously ignorant of our situation, so you have no right to judge me for my relationship with my sister--because you know nothing about it except the one or two select details I had to put in the thread to tell the story.

Now, go whine to someone else about their life. I'm sure they wanna hear it as much as I do.

Further support that the principal made the right choice.... perhaps too lenient.

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