posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 03:18 PM
Quoted from OP's link
"'Beyond this, unity is key, but as history dictates, this is not so easy.
'The logical course is to unite the world against the alien threat, combining our military strength and fighting under the United Nations. But some
countries might not fight.
'We saw this type of treachery and cowardice in the Second World War. Though some brave people joined the Resistance, much of France accepted Nazi
Pure NWO "Babel" drivel - and then has the audacity to call anyone who would refuse to combine their military strength under the UN a "traitor"
and a "coward".
Indoctrination and propaganda geared to subtly plant ideas into the mind of millions. It simply works on the knowledge that man is easily swayed by
name calling and is a fish that prefers to swim downstream with the pack. I always wondered how the kings of the earth would be able to gather
unsuspecting Godless people to fight Jesus upon His return....