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Ron Paul's VP choice

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posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 09:07 AM
link to article,

The VP Sweepstakes, Part II

Who should Ron Paul choose for Vice President, when he wins the republican nomination for President? The present authors have already taken one hack at this crucial question of the day, and are now back for round two. Again we mention several possibilities, so as to ease the way for the Ron Paul team on that day they must make this decision. Here are the additional possibilities, as we see them.

my favorite would be Karen Kwiatkowski, hopefully she will gets the nod.


posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by betaiso

Really? I mean come on people... I love Ron Paul's message too but you have to know he's not going to be on ANY presidential ticket.

Paulenites are doing the movement a disservice with stuff like this. It makes you (or us) look totally disconnected from reality and more like a cult, than a educated social movement.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 09:27 AM
The system has been rigged since the beginning, all the candidates had their "in the lead" or "so & so won this debate" 2 weeks of spotlight... all except RP. It's been like a nice even spread among all the candidates like this campaign was "fair & balanced" literally.

Ron probably should have broken off from his manipulated party and ran as Libertarian/Independent. But at this point, Rominee is locked in to win and he really doesn't have the support the media says he has. It's been disgusting to watch such corruption, and all we've been able to do is bitch & complain about it while TPTB laugh at our feeble attempts to change "their" system.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 09:52 AM
RP has MASSIVE support. I see more RP bumper stickers and signs than other front runners combined. (And I reside in Michigan a blue state…) IMO people are too busy flipping the ‘left-right’ coin and enamored on ‘social issues’ and not economic/political issues that really matter. Most people will not invest the time researching the Fed as an example; they just go with the flow without realizing what the Fed actually is.

I highly recommend people stop watching TV for a month. You will notice a major difference in your thought patterns and outlook. Too many of us rely on being spoon fed information and not actually investing in the facts ourselves.

I’ve noticed most of the ‘left-right’ supporters are the exact opposite of the before-mentioned. There is very little that separates Romney/Obama. In fact, they would make great running mates for one another. Yet, no one sees this because our collective recall is about a week, since our lives have become so ‘complex’ over the past few decades. As such, very few people are aware that Romney is a closet democrat for the most part and has nothing resembling consistency. Obama is the quintessential ‘puppet’ as he has not followed up on ANYTHING he campaigned for.

All politicians lie… blah blah blah. LOGICAL FALLACY. This assumption will always kill us at the booth, why FFS is this the standard accepted outlook on politicians – no wonder we have moved from a constitutional republic to a democracy to a bureaucracy.

edit on 7-6-2012 by ConspiracyBuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 09:56 AM
The answer to the question is Chuck Norris.

It would make for a powerful deterrent against assassination, as I've mentioned before.

Also Norris likes RP.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 10:03 AM
When Johnny comes marching home again Hurrah!
(Ron Paul not only receives the most donations from members of the U.S. military, he garners more from this source than all of the others put together. !!)
Another reason why the troops will not be home before november.......I wonder what the US would be like if all these men were home?
Will the troops be allowed to cast ballots?
It would be revealing what the totals worked out division, regiment and so corps and service....A real down to earth poll of whos side our boys and girls really stand on, may shake some people into backing off their attacks on the constitution.
Why not pick a general for running mate maybe better known name?
Theres a couple of Retired Marine corps one that may do....

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
The system has been rigged since the beginning, all the candidates had their "in the lead" or "so & so won this debate" 2 weeks of spotlight... all except RP. It's been like a nice even spread among all the candidates like this campaign was "fair & balanced" literally.

Ron probably should have broken off from his manipulated party and ran as Libertarian/Independent. But at this point, Rominee is locked in to win and he really doesn't have the support the media says he has. It's been disgusting to watch such corruption, and all we've been able to do is bitch & complain about it while TPTB laugh at our feeble attempts to change "their" system.

100% agreed. It is a big joke that none of us are in on. Anyone who claims that these elections are completely fair and balanced is either ignorant or simply stupid. The political discourse in this country is completely insane and useless.

"I believe the puppet on the right shares my beliefs."
"Well I think the puppet on the left is more in tune with my idiology."
"Your puppet is a secret socialist trying to destroy America"
"Your puppet is a slimy corperate snake without any sympathy for the American people and is trying to destroy America"

It's sad and embarassing. Not to mention we police the world trying to install this wonderful system of "freedom" and "choice" to everyone (as long as there is something in it for us).

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 10:42 AM
I think Judge Napolitano would be his most likely choice. In fact, Dr. Paul has mentioned before that the Judge would be his choice.

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