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Opinions/ideas: What might "Forbidden Knowledge" consist of anyway?

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posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 09:15 AM
there are books by that title as well​Prometheus...
edit on 06-10-2010 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

Further reading

Beckett, C (1989) Forbidden Knowledge, New Scientist 121(1649), 76.
Blatt, IB (1998) Freud and Forbidden Knowledge, Journal of Religion and Health 37(3), 290.
Johnson, DG (1999) Reframing the Question of Forbidden Knowledge for Modern Science, Science and Engineering Ethics 5(4), 445.
Schrag, B et al. (2003) Forbidden Knowledge – A Case Study with Commentaries Exploring Ethical Issues and Genetic Research, Science and Engineering Ethics 9(3), 409.
Wendl, MC (2005) The Question of Forbidden Knowledge, Science 308(5728), 1549.
Kempner, J., Merz, J. F. and Bosk, C. L. (2011), Forbidden Knowledge: Public Controversy and the Production of Nonknowledge. Sociological Forum, 26: 475–500. doi: 10.1111/j.1573-7861.2011.01259.x [1]

edit on 06-10-2010 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 09:32 AM
...pretty much anything an author wants to make 'mysterious'!

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 09:36 AM
How about information that if divulged to any individual without those persons adequately prepared they would apply the new information to an old mental template, have it fit, but it results in a dangerous response instead of the intended one. Everyone establishes mental templates we constantly pigeon-hole sensory and informational inputs into. The outputs can form new templates, modify existing ones, strengthen existing ones, or weaken/demolish them. Our consciousness dwells inside these many template domains in our brains in series/parallel current paths giving depth, height and width of consciousness.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 09:40 AM
The forbidden fruit in the garden of E.den was not a apple. I never belived that. We eat apples everyday. So it must have been something else. What Eve ate did'nt grow on the tree, it grew at the feat of the tree. Guess what it was? Mushrooms! Once her eyes were opened, she "knew the adamu" and they procreated. The mushroom expanded there conciousness. For this they were thrown out.

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 09:41 AM
Forbidden knowledge is anything that goes against the establishment.

How to be self-reliant, natural processes, instructions to mange your own spiritual growth without an institution, etc;

posted on Jun, 7 2012 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by tkwasny
How about information that if divulged to any individual without those persons adequately prepared they would apply the new information to an old mental template, have it fit, but it results in a dangerous response instead of the intended one. Everyone establishes mental templates we constantly pigeon-hole sensory and informational inputs into. The outputs can form new templates, modify existing ones, strengthen existing ones, or weaken/demolish them. Our consciousness dwells inside these many template domains in our brains in series/parallel current paths giving depth, height and width of consciousness.

My case in point. If I was given 30 years ago what I know today about cosmological absolutes, I'd probably lost it and never come back. I don't tell anyone that is unprepared (forbidden knowledge) to protect them. It's very, very distressing in an ultimately beautiful way.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by FlyingFox
It's a broad concept, running all the way from The Garden of Eden, the Library at Alexandria, to today's sci-fi. Religion, ETs, mathematics, dimensional awareness....

What might ancient-future knowledge consist of? I'm not looking for proof or facts, just a brief explanation of the concepts, as pondered by the smart guys here. Sort of a brainstorm session.


I personally think the term was used as part of a control system, indicating that the holders of such knowledge had power over those that did not. I'm not sure I believe there is any such knowledge that truly is forbidden. Bit of a boring response on a conspiracy site - sorry about that!

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by FlyingFox

Dear FlyingFox,

What might ancient-future knowledge consist of? I'm not looking for proof or facts, just a brief explanation of the concepts, as pondered by the smart guys here. Sort of a brainstorm session.

A need for some clarification here. Do you mean knowledge held by the ancients that we might learn again in the future; but, do not currently understand?...............the Polynesians figured out how to navigate by the stars and waves and know where they would find islands.

This may have been easier than we presume, based on when, in the timeline. In a Pre-Flood (aka Noah's Flood), movement would have been quite easy. You would have seen what's over the horizon. Just as creating the Nazca Lines would have been a simple feat. The Ancients had a better perspective of things both on the earth, and above the earth than We, (in general and not to be finger pointing), even consider.

We, as the ever devolving species we are, just commonly think this planet has been as it is today for all of time. Ancient records tend to discount this, but again, Modern Man and his vanity of supremacy can't even get their minds around the premise.

A Pre- Noah's Flood Planet was enveloped with "waters" within the atmosphere, much akin to our dissolving Ozone Layer.

Waters would have given those before the flood, great advantages, due to it's nature. Bend Glass, and it Magnifies. It also can be used to produce reflective properties. Water is the same.

The Ancients Saw the Heavenly bodies revolving around this planet and understood the Seasons, and Time far better than we do today. Simply because they COULD SEE these things through the Looking Glass, (aka Firmament to the KJV 1611).

Twist it around, and the Seafarers could see whats over the Horizon through the reflective nature water has when looked at an angle. No wonder someone could make a line of rocks into a Monkey, or a Spider.Both of which are quite grand in scale.

The simplest things tend to get dismissed though. So much that most reviewing this will dismiss it outright due to their ignorance of this subject. Peoples around this planet that have these stories, tales, lore and such. Why dismiss what you can't even fathom.

And it doesn't hurt having Teachers. Mankind, for the most part, has had some real characters teaching us things. Some of which seemingly are Forbidden. Some may had touched on this so I will review more before submitting those considerations.



posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 08:12 PM
I would guess the ability to alter reality completely after mind, body and spirit are capable of becoming unified in one being.But that is just a guess.

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by FlyingFox

I wonder if there's a difference between Forbidden Knowledge and Hidden Knowledge? Everything mankind has learned falls under the heading of Hidden Knowledge Uncovered: The atom, gravity, medicine, the universe... This knowledge was always there; we just had to find it for ourselves.

So, what would be listed under Forbidden Knowledge? I honestly don't know.

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Oannes
The forbidden fruit in the garden of E.den was not a apple. I never belived that. We eat apples everyday. So it must have been something else. What Eve ate did'nt grow on the tree, it grew at the feat of the tree. Guess what it was? Mushrooms! Once her eyes were opened, she "knew the adamu" and they procreated. The mushroom expanded there conciousness. For this they were thrown out.

You are close on this concept, but it has nothing to do with Forbidden Knowledge.

This is the Forbidden Fruit, which is the Forbidden Seed, when you breakdown what fruit is. Fruit is the vessel that harbours a seed.

In Genesis 3 the "conversation" is vague, but Eve had some enlightening comments, and the Curse God issued spoke volumes.

The Serpent Beguiled Me, says Eve. Beguile translated back to the Original Text expresses to be Wholely Seduced. Seduction to its completeness. With the Sexual connotations veiled of course, but Eve was quite naughty that day.

She pays, as does womankind from then on, and this Serpent is told what?

Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

We see this play out with the next characters we are introduced to.. Cain and Abel. And only Abel is Adam's Son. The two seeds. One, spawn of the serpent, (aka the Devil/Satan/Dragon/Abomination of Desolation......), and the Other Son of Adam.

And again, intend is to what? Destroy the Bloodline to make Christ an impossibility to be born. This was also the reason for the Great Flood, but that's another lot of water under the bridge for another day.

As for the Forbidden Knowledge aspect, I suggest this is disclosed within the Books of Enoch.

Enoch 9: 6. Thou seest what Azâzêl hath done, who hath taught all unrighteousness on earth and revealed the eternal secrets which were (preserved) in heaven, which men were striving to learn:

Chapter 7 and 8 makes it clear what was being taught.

And not only is this being taught to man, but by a bunch of vain godwannabees. So you can imagine the way these lessons would be taught and what end.

But then again, maybe I am just loopy.


Book of Enoch
1611 King James Bible

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 08:55 PM
the world was once dominated by apes, and men were in zoos


I would have to guess the monolith theory for how life began here or the alien intervention idea

what else could be so shocking and powerful that it would be forbidden ?

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 07:37 PM
I imagine forbidden knowledge is any, and all knowledge, involving our history, purpose, abilites, and afterlife. Sure it will involve, science, mathmatics, philosophy which we do have, but on a level thats been witheld. So in short, forbidden knowledge is everything across all categories that leads to a full understanding of the big picture, the big picture is the ultimate truth, maybe we will have different deviations but the end result is the same.

Also, I believe forbidden knowledge exists, we have been on this earth as a species forever, we had to stumble across something at some point. That is why in this world flukes happen, maybe you had a prediction come true once, its a tidbit of something that happened accurate, but almost impossible to recreate. I'm imagining if forbidden knowledge was applied, this fluke would of occured because something in the course of the day, mimicked the proceedure of forbidden knowledge. Our downfall is being unable to pinpoint the cause, so we wander through unaware of the potential we have. While deep down, hiding in some library vault of the Vatican, this information exists, if we had all the answers we would be a threat, and someone hoarding the info would not like that.

I tried to put my thoughts down the best way I could, sorry if its a bit jumbled

edit on 11-6-2012 by kat2684 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 12:03 AM
God = Aliens

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 07:15 PM
Let consider this from another aspect.

Looking at the BASIC tenants of Spiritual Worship and the manner inwhich the RE-Creation event occurred, our existence was a blessed one.

Our Lifespans, Pre-Flood, was 10x's what it is today.
We had a Planet that would sustain us bearing the foods required for that sustenance. Both Flora and Fauna giving us the proteins, and nutrients required to be healthy.
We obviously had inspired intellect, simply based on some of the current unexplained phenomena in Constructions being found around this globe.

And at some point, (approximately 7000 BC) we started to settle more, with the conception of an Agricultural Lifestyle.

We "COULD" argue these points, which isn't my intent or reason for noting these.

This is what I believe our Ancient Ancestors had in a basic nutshell.

Again, arguments could be found in the Spiritual Aspect. I again, am only laying forth a thought for consideration. Not seeking conflictive debate.

I have noticed, reviewing many of our varying Ancient Cultures, a very common theme. There is a GOD. He has Sons. These (some of them) Sons come to earth and become gods themselves. They all admit they Father is supreme. And those who came to earth intermingled with the daughters of man, as the KJV 1611 eloquently expresses in Genesis 6.

It is the events that occurred during this intervention or "Fall", that I believe we are also introduced to the Forbidden Knowledge.

Instead of the Nutrients from the Flora, we are taught about the intoxicants for example. How to turn a simple Cocoa Leaf into Cocaine, as is evident in Egypt, of all places.

How do your think we, would figure out how to scar the Poppy, to produce Heroine?
I don't think it was trial and error.

Like wise, what was created by our earliest Metalsmiths? Those descendants of Cain, of all people. They where shown how to forge weapons for warfare.

Cosmetics are introduced to enhance the seductive concerns.

We are looking at things here, that are against "OUR" nature, despite what many consider. "OUR" nature was never one of conflict and supremacy. It was one of Stewardship over the earth and the blessing it brought forth.

Granted Cain, and his descendants revel in Conflict and Supremacy, as is evident throughout History. It is even evident Today.

My point is, We where created in the Image of GOD and the Sons of GOD. We where given everything needed and required to survive and replenish this earth, and none of this required any of the forbidden knowledge's.

Eve gets seduced, Cain kills Adam's first Son, Cain is set free, and mayhem abounds as he follows down the path of his Father. Why is Tubal Cain, one of Cain's Descendants, generally accepted by the Masonic Cults, as their father of Metalsmithing? Because he was taught the Forbidden Knowledge.

Everything this family line has introduced to mankind, has been and still to this day is, against the original plan of GOD.

I noted above, there are common themes within most religious practices of uniquely different peoples on this planet. I believe at one point of time, (the period of the 6th day referred to in Genesis Chapter 1 for example), all worshiped in the same manner. When the Fall, (again as referred to in the KJV 1611 Bible), what did these gods do? Like their leader, they twisted and distorted the basic fundamentals. Animal Sacrifice is replaced by Human Sacrifice, as an example. The High and Holy Days remained, but we Sacrificed a Virgin Daughter, or the Chief of the neighboring tribe. We introduce Pagan aspects of Fertility, and orgies of Carnal indulgences, and gluttony.

Do this around the globe, and we find we have all of these various religions which are "strange" and "foreign" to each other, because we tend to dwell on those differences.

Pope John Paul, and the Vatican with it's ONE WORLD RELIGION Agenda, do not see those differences. They see the "Holy Days", The High Days, The common themes and practices revolving around these specific festive times.

In case this was forgotten.

So, this is just offered for a consideration. The Forbidden Knowledge is the Knowledge that separates us from GOD. That would have been why it was Forbidden in the 1st place.



posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by FlyingFox
What might "Forbidden Knowledge" consist of anyway?

I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you.

It being forbidden and all.


posted on Jun, 30 2012 @ 12:32 AM
Advanced tech, seeing the Mind of God and manipulating it, could be "forbidden".

For example, selective breeding of domesticated animals, ok. DNA cut-n-paste, maybe too far.

Breaking the Laws of Physics, Relativity, for instance, could fall into a forbidden realm.

Lots of good posts on this thread.

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