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Why do most Religions say that sex is bad?

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posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Nemesis3872

but also kick those kids out as soon as you can!

What do you do when your two youngest are Autistic?????

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by prevenge

Originally posted by The Old American
because sex was created for one reason: to propagate the species.

Actually, if you take the Gnostic viewpoint, sex has a dual purpose....Reproduction and Ascension / Salvation.

The tradition is to have actual matrimonial intercourse while resonating love, and instead of committing the "animal spasm", the orgasm, one strongly guards those waters which have been blessed below and instead of releasing them, (which would holds the potential power to create an entirely new sentient being), one guides those (now blessed with love) waters up the spine.. al l33 vertebrae (33 yrs of Christ's life, 33 degrees of masonry) to the place of the skull (Golgotha) to baptize the head at the throne of god.. (the pineal gland)... which cascades hormones through the endocrine system causing a slow yet steady metamorphosis of the body into one of divine ability and immortality.

This is what all religions teach at the root level, albeit hidden in riddles and metaphor, for those with eyes to see.

And this, IMO, is why all corrupt religions decry this form of sex, and teach the opposite of truth, while practicing it in secret.

How oft I have heard, "your brains are in your B#%%s" ...It was never meant as a compliment, nor was it made by the enlightened et al.

But then I say, "if it's worth doing, it's worth doing well" and there is probably a biblical quote in someone's bible to the same effect. Gypsy Rose Lee had another take on it, "If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing slowly . . . very slowly"
As for the little fishes, trillions of them, they die in their trillions used or unused, inside or outside of the male body. The perfect enigma perhaps, as against perfection.

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 10:50 AM
I think your right. I think though also that if you bring a child into the world the couple should be married and also in love. that way the kid gets to grow up in a stable home. They get to see what a loving marriage looks like as they're growing up. Generally they grow up well adjusted and emotional stable that way.

posted on Jun, 24 2012 @ 02:59 PM
It's the "do it only with procreation in mind" attitude that negates the entire argument that the Bible is all for sex, in my opinion. Communing with someone I love while accepting the possibility of babies sounds to me like taking a nice car ride into a tunnel, while knowing full well that there's a dead end in there and you aren't allowed to slow down. Pregnancy isn't a blessing for everyone, no matter how holy its supposed orchestrator was. It's one of my worst nightmares.
So, yeah. Sorry, religion, but I'm keeping at least three forms of birth control around if I ever choose to lose my virginity.
edit on 24-6-2012 by EllaMarina because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by EllaMarina
It's the "do it only with procreation in mind" attitude that negates the entire argument that the Bible is all for sex, in my opinion.

The Bible doesn't say "do it only with procreation in mind."

Communing with someone I love while accepting the possibility of babies sounds to me like taking a nice car ride into a tunnel, while knowing full well that there's a dead end in there and you aren't allowed to slow down. Pregnancy isn't a blessing for everyone, no matter how holy its supposed orchestrator was. It's one of my worst nightmares.
So, yeah. Sorry, religion, but I'm keeping at least three forms of birth control around if I ever choose to lose my virginity.
edit on 24-6-2012 by EllaMarina because: (no reason given)

Sounds like you've got some pretty major issues with the idea that you might produce a child. And yet you reference preserving your virginity--one of the values espoused by a number of religions. I'm curious how you reached the same answer (virginity), but by a non-religious route. What can you say about that?

posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by tovenar

It may not be in the Bible, but quite a few of its followers say that procreation shouldn't be discounted. To me, a religion is is composed of its filling, not the recipe that the filling is meant to adhere to (the scriptures). I keep my eye on that which would actually affect me. It's the procreation view that is active, as incorrect as it may be.

As for my virginity... you're reading to much into it. I simply have no desire to have sex. If I meet anyone in the future that I develop a romantic connection with, that most likely will change.

Issues with the idea of having babies... probably. The concept of bringing another person into the world is certainly a big deal to me. I won't take it lightly, even to the point of avoiding it altogether. But, such an off-topic discussion is best saved for another time.

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 11:26 AM

posted on Jul, 31 2012 @ 01:34 PM
Unless it is for procreation, you are expending Chi/prana/energy. If you were trying to deepen meditation, it would be recomended to refrain from sex. This allows your chakra/kundalini to store useful energy. Shamans also refrain from sex to heighten there spiritual prowess.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 09:04 AM
Ive tried the celabacy thing, and i lasted for a few months with out any kind of gratification at all. ( sorry to be gross) And to be honest , i prefer the celabacy mindset, ya ever see a cat in heat, they are insane, and when they get fixed, they then be a nice animal that has a chance to be civil. Humans are the same, as soon as the temp gets hot outside , i get a whole bunch of messages on the dating sites, and get none in the winter. I know i offered the most un educated anecdote, but maybe its relavent to the topic. Or maybe not

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 09:26 AM
This is an easy question to answer. Most religions say sex is bad because they don't want you to enjoy yourself!

Many religions practice denial of gratification. What is the chief activity involving self-gratification? Sex of any kind.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Oannes

Humans have some weird ideas about sex. I think it's pathetic really. Some of us take self-denial to ridiculous extremes.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 09:43 AM
Thou shalt only have sex once a week - Friday is preferable
Thou shalt do this in a missionary position only
No you cant do that either so keep your lips sealed
And of course one must marry in order to be given permission by God to well do it

Thus spoke the Church in Medieval Times

Anything powerful and enjoyable that Human Beings partake in has parasites attached to it that wish to control for their own gains or sense of self righteousness

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 10:10 AM
It would appear the OP got told to Go forth and multiply....

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by albertabound

What are your thoughts?

Sex was the Beginning. And you are right that sex is a natural function of human life, and also in Spiritual life. Only there there are no restrictions, and warm pools are all over for couples who wish to have sex. Sex is the universal language.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by albertabound

What are your thoughts?

Sex was the Beginning. And you are right that sex is a natural function of human life, and also in Spiritual life. Only there there are no restrictions, and warm pools are all over for couples who wish to have sex. Sex is the universal language.

Then that being so - Bring on the spiritual realms for I sure ain't getting nothin in this Earthly realm

But seriously - I agree - The Universe is a mass orgy of creation - we in turn play our part

The act of sex is seen as sacred in many cultures.
Two souls saying hello

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