you present the problem of hypertension and salt intake/regulation but you do not offer any hint of solution to the problem of hypertension, i sure
wish you would no one in this thread has yet, which sucks, cause the only ones interested in this issue would be the ones with this issue, offer a
solution, such as
how the hell do you solve hypertension and fluid retention. what diet helps that?
reply to post by Skada
seaweed, our ancestors ate alooooot of seaweed, it is the only source of iodine,
btw typical tablespoon of salt has about 0.001% the amount of iodine you need in a day
over 80% of americans are heavily deficient of iodine, the other 20% being big seaweed eaters(sushi)
take iodine supplements if you are concerned about thyroid health, i do, take it every day
this is the one i use
i just put a few drops on the skin and rub it around once a day, it absorbs into the skin and right to the thyroid,
been doing this ever since the japan earthquake.....
there is irradiated iodine in the moisture release from a nuclear reactor (fukushima) an iodine deficient diet will absorb this polluted iodine from
the rain resulting in extreme thyroid related health issues, haveing a diet with a surplus of iodine ensures you do not absorb those pollutants as
readily, and contrary to popular belief, you cannot overdose of iodine without drinking many glasses of it all at once, the body pee's out the excess
quite easily, similar to vitamen c,
much more can be said about the positive effects of iodine on the body, more energy, easier to think, cleans pollutents from the body and the skin
even oils, clears oils which slow electrical firing from the brain alowing you to think faster, cleans flouride out of your system, cleans bromine out
of your system, said to aid the 3rd eye (pineal gland), the list goes on read up on it for more
i can attest to feeling a difference in all those areas in my health over the last year of taking it.
edit on 6/5/12 by pryingopen3rdeye
because: (no reason given)