posted on Jun, 3 2012 @ 05:47 PM
Do YOU care about our lives or what happens to us? Probably not. Why should Americans, of all people, care for the rest of the world when we don't
even care for our own neighbors? You're addressing an abhorrent society, don't expect too much from it.
Furthermore, don't you want the opportunity to run your own nation with your own representative leader, not some pro-western puppet installed to sell
your people out? Freedom isn't free; if you want lasting change you have to actually step up and work for it, not expect it to be handed to you.
Our military could give a s*** less about the people living in other countries; just look at all of the stories that break of their inhumane acts
against those people and look at the way they are treated.
Look, if our presence overseas was humanitarian, I wouldn't mind it so much. The problem is that it's often advertised under the guise of being
humanitarian (i.e. Iraqi Liberation), but is actually for nefarious purposes such as resources or a better strategic position. Imperialism is not