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My experience

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posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 12:53 AM
Hello everyone I have had a little chance to read some of your great posts here on this forum and now I've got the chance to register and post my experience. I would like to present my experience which still hunts me to this day (Hunts me only as in my mind I do not have any experience like it anymore) . Because there are a lot of experienced abductees and remote viewers here I need your skilled opinion on my experience with the paranormal.

The story takes place in Israel were I lived for over seven years. I was at the age between of eleven or twelve years old at that time. I also was young and uninformed at that time to make any conclusions about what took place or was happening to me.

The first scene took place at our rented house where me and my mother were living at that time. It was about 11:30 to 12:00 pm and it was time for me to go to bed. The lights were still on when I was already laying on my bed. Suddenly I felt the feeling or terror that overwhelmed my body. I did not know what to make of it but the feeling was horrible. The only thoughts that could describe what I felt at that moment were of the words like 'DEATH' or 'YOU ARE GOING TO DIE'. I would describe that most of this horrible feeling was concentrating in my chest area.

The second scene begins with the lights off. It was dark and I still had that ugly feeling inside of me but could not rationalize what was happening to me. I couldn't sleep so I kept looking up at the ceiling. Suddenly I saw some kind of shadowy cloud which certainly was darker then the darkness in the room. Then I noticed a second shadowy cloud just besides the other one. They were just about my head on top of the ceiling moving a bit and changing their shape like an oil spill. I decided to move my head away of the ceiling and told myself that I must of imagined it and if I would keep looking at this objects I am just going to scare myself even more.

The third scene takes place when I am suddenly waking up in paralyzed state. I could not open my eyes, move hands or legs nor was I able to speak or scream. I felt as if I was traveling faster then the speed of light yet still could feel my bed intact. I heard a buzzing sound in my head while my whole body especially my head was shaking moving from left to right in zigzag like motion. Then I saw (with my eyes closed) two bright orb lights striking from the blackness. They flew right into my eye view and then disappeared within me (If that makes any sense to you) while I was still laying with my eyes closed.

Suddenly everything disappeared and came to normal. I was no more paralyzed or heard any buzzing sounds in my head. After this incident I was literally afraid to close my eyes again because I knew that the moment I am going to do so I will experience similar incident. Every night for about two weeks or so it happened. As soon as I close my eyes almost immediately I was paralyzed. Later on or more precisely two years ago I stumbled on disorder called �Sleeping Paralysis� which of course explains what I was going through at that period of time but none the less it is still staying on my paranormal list.

A week later after the first incident while entering the kitchen to make myself sandwich before heading to school I literally stumbled face to face with an apparition that resembled some kind of entity. Never before and never after I saw anything of that sort of things.

Thank you for your reading, waiting eagerly for your replays.

posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 11:53 AM
Yeah, this sounds EXACTLY like sleep or night paralysis. Your first few experiences are definitely sleep paralysis. It is actually quite common, I believe I read somewhere that 50% of the entire world's population has experienced it at some point or another. I read that it comes when you wake up too fast, sleep the wrong way, or have a problem with some gland in your brain. A few other ways as well. Anyway it is just the mind waking up before the body. The mind is concious but your mind is telling you that you're still asleep, so you can't physically move at all. Although sometimes your eyes can actually be open. It can be the horrifying experience of your life (ie: night terror). During this state people see apparations, hear haunting sounds, get the feeling of someone pressing down on their chest, etc etc. Whatever your fears are.

As for the apparation you saw, I can't really explain that. Maybe you were really really tired and just thought you saw something? Maybe you even zoned out a bit and your mind tricked you.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 12:02 PM

I literally stumbled face to face with an apparition that resembled some kind of entity

Can you elaborate on this? What did it look like, what was the feeling ... did it seem like it was evil? How long were you face to face with it? Did it just disappear after a few seconds? Did it seem as if it was trying to give you a message?

I have sleep paralysis all the time. It creeps me out. Even though I know what it is and rationally I know I'm not going to die from it, when I am in the midst of it I panic and wonder if maybe everything I have read is wrong and get very fearful that I'm slipping toward death.


posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 12:53 PM
I experience this phenomena at least once a month.

I awaken (or at least regain consciousness) in the night around 3-4 hours into sleep and feel very worn out and scared. My chest feels very tight and crushed as though an invisible force is sitting on me. i remember having morbid thoughts at these times mainly myself questioning whether or not i will survive the ordeal. I must then fall asleep again.

The next morning i feel fine and for some reason i dont feel botherd about the night before even though i can remember how terrifying it was at the time.

One reason may be the idea of a waking dream. I think that during REM we can regain some consciousness- after all the brain never stops working does it? and we awaken in an altered state that shortly returns to normal. Sleepwalking is a common symptom of the waking dream.

I have also found that it is natural for humans to release a chemical that slowly paralyses the body as we drift into sleep to prevent self harm during REM- perhaps sleepwalkers cannot produce this chemical?

bottomline is.........i dont know altho i felt compelled to reply as i could relate to your story.

posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 01:27 PM
this is a popular subject because many of us have experienced it ...Yours was similar to my first, I had many after...
Accompanied with the sense of forboding and "evil"..the change is like in the theater whe a movie "turns bad" darkness and knowing that something dreadful is a bout to happen...Hypnogogoc, hypnopompic hallucinations at play--Seeing beings/demons, getting attacked....
Buzzing crackling vibrations flashing lights
I felt the skyrocketing feeling after into a crazy place ( after it happening 10 times and fighting it, I let it happen)...If you let the whole thing play out..You can gain entry to the controversial Astral projection "Out of Body experience or what I used to call OOB seeming Experience..or just crazy cool dreams.

Now that I have experienced it many times I know it is a way to get through to alternate awareness or fine states of conciousness that are not that readily available to us...It is the subtlties of the threads of conciousness that lie between wakefulness and sleep.

You, as having been already stated, experienced awareness during Sleep Paralysis, and it can be terrifying or quite neat-o mosquito. If it keeps you awake at night for fear of reoccurance, well I m sorry to say it increases the chances of it happening again...Overtiredness and other sleep difficulties can induce the night adventure often mistaken for alien abduction, Incubus/succumbus attacks or "old hag syndrome.

Dont sleep on your back and get day naps till you get into regular sleep..If it happens often go to a doctor for diagnosis of sleep apnea or other sleep disorders. If its only an acute occurence of SP, its not gonna kill you, even though you feel youd scare to death--But I like it and induce it because its fun.

After the first episode..........Its ..Waiting for something around each corner, and frighten beyond all hell of a day meeting with the same creatures that did it to you the first time....I did the same thing..I spoke to a doctore and I got much info on the subject, Its all here in other threads on ATS about Sleep paralysis. Most likely you can cross it off your paranormal list...The first experience caused You to hallucinate after you couldnt sleep for a week...

posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 02:03 PM
Out of curiosity, I'd like to induce it myself as well, but do not know the best ways of doing this, only some. Could you detail how you go about this? Do you now regularly "astrally project?" Let us know your experiences, I know I'm curious.

[edit on 3-10-2004 by Ajax]

posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by Ajax
Out of curiosity, I'd like to induce it myself as well, but do not know the best ways of doing this, only some. Could you detail how you go about this? Do you now regularly "astrally project?" Let us know your experiences, I know I'm curious.

[edit on 3-10-2004 by Ajax]

I dont regularly project...It takes days for me to get out...and then I may have a stretch of nighttime projection for 2 or 3 nights...sometimes 2 or 3 in a night...but it takes much effort ...days..Then sometime I can just do it ...but it still takes "regular" effort.

Use the ATS search option: Use thes parameters

word 1: method
word 2: experience
word /phrase3: astral projection
word/phrase 4: out of body

Search in forum: Paranormal Studies

Search for matches : thread posts

Through date range: 6 months or 1 year

Number of results change to: 100

I think you should get what your looking for

It takes alot of time and effort for most people. begin with one hour of meditation a day..Its about maintaining awareness as you fall asleep. You must relax the body into a meditative state and go to sleep while still mind is still awake.
If you are still interested after a few months, I suggest reading books on the subject and methods from successful members here...I have found great advise from everyone that I have discussed this with at lenth on this site

posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 03:27 PM
My SP is usually induced by lack of air. No really. This might be because since my body is not getting enough oxygen it cannot move only be aware until I am able to get that bit of oxygen to move my leg or whatever and get some air into me!

posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by SirKillallott
My SP is usually induced by lack of air. No really. This might be because since my body is not getting enough oxygen it cannot move only be aware until I am able to get that bit of oxygen to move my leg or whatever and get some air into me!

You should see a doctor...If you have sleep problems such as this there are treatments for you. i once could not get a breath even after being able to stand up and walk into the next room.

[edit on 3-10-2004 by xxKrisxx]

posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 11:38 PM

Your first few experiences are definitely sleep paralysis.

Listen buddy lets not go into quick conclusions that fast. I guess it was my mistake for not elaborating it clearly. In my first scene where I described myself lying on bed where suddenly I was overwhelmed by feeling of terror YET I forgot to mention that I was NOT sleeping. The lights were still on and my eyes were still wide open.

I believe I read somewhere that 50% of the entire world's population has experienced it at some point or another. I read that it comes when you wake up too fast, sleep the wrong way, or have a problem with some gland in your brain. A few other ways as well. Anyway it is just the mind waking up before the body. The mind is concious but your mind is telling you that you're still asleep, so you can't physically move at all.

Yes Ajax main stream science will always describe the symptoms you mantioned above but never THE CAUSE. Most of their explanations are semi speculations based on statistical research.

As for the apparation you saw, I can't really explain that. Maybe you were really really tired and just thought you saw something? Maybe you even zoned out a bit and your mind tricked you.

Neither can I explain that but what I can tell you for sure that what I saw was as real as this reality is. I was not tired at all. Back then I used to be going early to sleep so that I get enough sleep.

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 04:04 AM
U said .."Listen buddy lets not go into quick conclusions that fast. I guess it was my mistake for not elaborating it clearly. In my first scene where I described myself lying on bed where suddenly I was overwhelmed by feeling of terror YET I forgot to mention that I was NOT sleeping. The lights were still on and my eyes were still wide open. "

I said
Accompanied with the sense of forboding and "evil"..the change is like in the theater whe a movie "turns bad" darkness and knowing that something dreadful is a bout to happen...Hypnogogoc, hypnopompic hallucinations at play--Seeing beings/demons, getting attacked....
Buzzing crackling vibrations flashing lights

part of Sleep Paralysis is you think youre aawake OR your awake with hallucination...I have experienced this many times....and in the presence of another! swore I was awake eyes open..nope...this is part of the terror..I know its hard to believe, that this aweful feeling and sight could come from within...I have a degree in science, but still swore I had some paranormal event...after countless episodes and seeing a doctor, I have learned this is a natural event...often mistaken for the the way, often the hallucination is of a shadowy demon like creature

classic SP...but I agree with you ...who knows science gave it a name but it could still be an episode of another quality...

[edit on 4-10-2004 by xxKrisxx]

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 05:47 AM
Thank you for replying to that xxKrisxx, I appreciate it.

Eurobeat4ever: I did not mean to be offensive, I'm sorry if I was. But when I read the occurances it just struck me as what has happened to myself as well. Trust me, I am not one to usually jump that quickly to conclusions but in this case it seemed like it just fit perfectly. I have a post about it as well.

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 02:17 PM

hypnopompic state:

The hypnopompic state is the transition state of semiconsciousness between sleeping and waking. For some people, this is a time of visual and auditory hallucination.

Hello is anybody here ???

Here is my quote again and please read it properly.

Listen buddy lets not go into quick conclusions that fast. I guess it was my mistake for not elaborating it clearly. In my first scene where I described myself lying on bed where suddenly I was overwhelmed by feeling of terror YET I forgot to mention that I was NOT sleeping. The lights were still on and my eyes were still wide open.

So do understand what I am saying now? I was NOT SLEEPING just lying on the bed. My eyes where WIDE OPEN. Hypnopompic state happens only when you are WAKING UP.

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 04:32 PM
Listen buddy lets not go into quick conclusions that fast. I guess it was my mistake for not elaborating it clearly. In my first scene where I described myself lying on bed where suddenly I was overwhelmed by feeling of terror YET I forgot to mention that I was NOT sleeping. The lights were still on and my eyes were still wide open.

Im not saying this is the same but it sure sounds like it.....The reason why I say what I say is I swore I was awake...awake for some time..In fact, I felt I hadnt fell asleep yet, lights on also...I thought my eyes were open and I was looking at the wall in the room..everything was the same except for a figure....and a pressure and like butterfly feeling in my chest, I dont remember if I had difficulty breathing but pressure...A sense of impending doom, the worst I ever felt clouded around me......The person in the room with me said I was asleep eyes closed....I was with someone else becvause I was sc ared to death having the experience nightly, I didnt want to be alone...check it out, Im just trying to say, the experiences are extremely similar and I saw a doctor later when I realized this was some kind of issue..I thought I was having seizures of some sort.--he said classic symptoms, you often feel your awake and looking at your surroundings..accompanied by a sense of dread, and hallucination of a figure, sometimes sitting on your chest..Thank god THAT didnt happen to me I think I would have died if it came near me

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 11:07 PM
I agree with you on that. My experience does have major similarities to sleep paralysis yet it's different. The entity I saw about a week later was an evil one yet I know it was not my imagination. To many people report about ghost, esp and other phenomena that have evidence that it is not just an imagination of the mind. Are you aware that most people don't even question hallucinations and hypnagogic visions because they trust the mainstream scientific community yet how many times science failed in their theories. How many times scientific community changed their theories often admitting they were wrong. People should question things like it more often. They should ask logical questions to why is it for example people experience hallucinations in very detailed way such detailed and complex way that in normal state they would never will able to preform such task. Why blind people can see while having astral projection or NDE? If hallucinations are just an imagination of the brain then what is reality? How do you know that what you smell, taste and see is real? If hallucinations are just the product of the brain then we have to ask the following question of how is it possible for Darwin evolution theory to explain human being with such a complex organism. I say impossible! We were genetically manipulated by advanced species from other dimisions. Earth is indeed an experiment and abduction cases describe just that. The loop is closing: hallucinations, alien abductions, hypnagogic visions ghost esp, astral projection, NDE and other phenomena are all interconnected and are real phenomena that need more then just an ordinary explanation by mainstream science.

Thank you.

[edit on 4-10-2004 by EuroBeat4ever]

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 06:20 PM
quote Euro:If hallucinations are just an imagination of the brain then what is reality? How do you know that what you smell, taste and see is real?

I have always agreed with this theory

...Since my experiences with astral projection--I believe in collective conciousness and that the accessable world lives within us--not us within the world..i also believe the sheath between dimensions is fine and permiable, existing simultaneously, and that we sometimes exist in them simultaneously.

I believe that sometimes these experiences ARE truly awareness of alternate dimension, but we are percieving and processing the energy as we only know how--recieving the energy as evil, or good, entity or "feeling",... only catching a piece here and there of another world, like "skip" on a CB, or how we recieve "slightly off frequency" on a radio.

I think its somehow about frequency, troughs and peaks and the sum attempting to naturally right itself to equal 1 or 0.....The paranormal being when those frequencies some how "ring" together

You may have had a peek at something hmmm?

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 12:22 AM

Can you elaborate on this? What did it look like, what was the feeling ... did it seem like it was evil? How long were you face to face with it? Did it just disappear after a few seconds? Did it seem as if it was trying to give you a message?


It's really hard to describe the entity but I will try to. The entity itself for some reason did not have symmetrical shape yet it reminded some kinda of upright being. The entity was about 1m 50cm (approximate estimation) in height. For some reason the enitity itself looked weave, almost similar to classical ghost shape you find in movies. The entity itself was dark/grey. I was able to see it face to face for just moment but it really scared me hard. It was such a surprise because I did not expect it. I was basically shocked, I stood paralyzed for some moments and my whole body was sweating with cold sweat, that how shocked I was. Never ever before or after that I saw anything like it so I know that it was not my imagination.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by EuroBeat4ever

I think people jump to conclusions too easily. These experiences of so called sleep paralysis are what i believe to be supernatural in nature, this is not acceptable to science so they label it sleep paralysis because they cannot dare to envisage the alternative.

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