came across these on youtube the other day. It's called "Bite Me" and being a zombie fan, and all of the zombie talk on here lately, I thought I
would share these with other zombie fans here. It's kinda corny, but really really funny..... kinda reminds me of a shaun of the dead type deal.
the episodes are pretty short, so at least give a couple a chance before making a whole hearted decision on weather you like it or not. I enjoyed it
quite well, the second season got a little boring, but all together worth the watch. these no name actors do a great job as well. so here it is
folks ... Enjoy!!
I quite like the Bite Me webisodes...they are in season 2 now
You also might want to check out Nuka Break (it is a fallout webisode series if your into the fallout games...very well done).
As far as zombie goodness.
You might want to check out The Rage. a 28 days later erm...companion (not spoof..its well made)
There are a ton of mini episodes and such on youtube..some really good, some really bad. I wouldn't mind seeing other peoples pointers on some I may
have missed...
Some slightly less impressive but still decent watch stuff: