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Apollo 15, Jim Irwin's historical narrative in review

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posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by Vitruvian
Is that white triangular shaped object on the surface of the moon supposed to b the platform and/or staging area from which the LM was jettisoned? hmmmmmmm - doesn't look very convincing to me

I don't see it in your .gif. But watching a video of the liftoff here at the 0:38 mark, you can see the descent module left behind.

And why doesn't this look convincing to you? Any particular reason?

If that's the case then where's the rest of the equipment? Where is all the physical evidence that they supposedly left behind that would have indicated that they were actually there?

You can see it slightly in the distance in your .gif and also at the 0:38 mark in the video I linked to. The little white dots are a part of the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package. You can also see the all the trails of disturbed regolith left by the astronauts from walking around.

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by choos
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

i dont see why not.. base price of a 1971 corvette was about $5500.. these guys have been MO/test pilots for a while..

but i dont see how suddenly if the CIA is involved in any way, man automatically loses the ability to reach the moon.. is the CIA that incapable? for an organisation to have technology 20years ahead of public tech. they still lose the ability to reach the moon?

Jim Irwin flew C I A all the way to the Moon

Just think of it this way. 1/3rd of the Apollo 15 crew worked for the C I A. Not just any C I A, but Howard Hughes.

Around this time, Hughes is the largest employer in the State of Nevada. His "Tool Company" built the Surveyor spacecrafts used to shoot location footage of the moon. The corporate headquarters i s i n H O U S T O N. Jim Irwin is a Top Secret C I A test pilot working at Hughes Aircraft. How many more connections do you need?

Now it is perfectly settled that Irwin was a C I A man. He also worked for Nixon's Apollo. Do you really believe they had technology 20 years ahead of public tech? If they did have advanced tech, as you have suggested, then I believe they would surely want to protect it as a matter of national security. And that means any and all costs up to, and including, the soap opera scripted downfall of Richard Nixon.

It's really important to get a sense of, and come to grips with, the 1971 era. I'd suggest you go look at some newspaper headlines from July ~ August 1971 and get a picture for yourself about what was happening in the world around that time frame.

Nixon, 1969-1972, has all the "Tools" at his disposal to beat the Russians to the moon. it doesn't matter how it gets done. Failure is not an option. NASA headquarters will have positions filled by Edward Nixon at Bellcomm. Good, loyal men that they can trust.

Jim Irwin happened to be selected as one of the 12 men that they could trust. The proof is in this thread.

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

conspiracy theorist constantly spew about secret gov tech that is 20 years ahead of public tech.. im just spewing back what they say.

they had the technology to get to the moon.. they can land probes on the moon they can orbit the moon, they can send man in space for a prolonged period of time, they can sustain man outside of the craft for extended periods of time as well..

so they had the technology, expertise and professional personnel to land man on the moon.. but because the CIA is, to you, apparently involved they had to do it all in a hollywood basement??

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by denver22
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

You are an experienced member who shows corvettes as proof of man not going to the moon.
Come one man make your posts count .

It has never been the purpose of this thread. You know that. Thanks for the bump

The Corvettes are there, special custom paint jobs, special lease program from a Florida dealer. They had everything they wanted but they wanted more.

Maybe it wasn't the stamp deal that got these Airmen grounded. Maybe there was Howard Hughes money in the stamped envelopes, the money that came from Howard Hughes.

If Hughes wanted something, anything, he bought it. That included space programs, airports, airlines, film studios, politicians, the city of Las Vegas, portions of Florida, TV stations, Mormon security guards and astronauts.

Can you keep a secret? You might qualify to be an Apollo astronaut in 1971.

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by Vitruvian

And what is all of that explosive debris that we see flying all about ???..........seems odd in the extreme that there woulld have been such a great amount of (dangerous) material projected from the craft in that manner............I don't believe any of it.............As far as I'm concerned ...........its all fake!!

its debris from the descent stage being ejected from the liftoff of the ascent stage.. possibly mylar.

not very dangerous when the LM is the object that is providing the force of the ejection. ie. all the debris is flying AWAY from the LM.

its fake to you, because you have never seen anything like it.. you dont know nor understand the behaviour of objects on the moon because you are so used to objects on earth. if you knew more of sciences/engineering it would make more sense to you.

remember once upon a time no one would believe a hunk of metal weighing 500+tons could fly, and 100,000tons could float, at the time they have never seen anything like it, they didnt know the science behind that would make it possible.

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

Howard Hughes was always involved in American secret projects. I consider him a great American for that reason. His company and their derivatives produced satellites, ground breaking air frames and medical research facilities that have been ahead of their time. After reading many of these threads I am still on the fence, but I have read many books about Hughes. As crazy as he seemed, he never faltered in trying to advance technology on all fronts. One company that continues his legacy is Hughes Net, an internet provider for rural areas. I can be more specific if needs be.

Yes, keeping a secret would be a trait of a good astronaut. That should be a given trait for a project of that nature.
edit on 27-6-2012 by Dookie Master because: Secret

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by choos

Too bad for you, Jim Irwin's Apollo 15 narrative has developed into a faith based astronaut myth, dressed in a patriotic space program, designed by the super anti-communists, executed by the military industrial /intelligence/ complex with the single mission of Beat the Russians to the Moon.

Apollo will provide lot's of spinoffs and it's a great little money maker, too. The people of 1964 believed in the Gulf of Tonkin when LBJ went on Tv to sell it. That's when people still believed that their government was doing good things and deserved our respect and admiration. Obviously, the people of 1969 would believe the Apollo program if they showed it "Live on TV".

And they did!

choos, you seem to be wavering, drifting into a dangerous '1984' style thought process. If it's good for the Party, it's good for you. And Apollo was very good for the Party. Do you catch the drift yet? Have you got your money's worth out of this thread yet? It's not 1971. Why do you misplace your loyalty with known C I A agents?

You don't have to be so paranoid about a lunar hoax now. They did it for national security, propaganda and pride.
These guys are dancing around on a fake moon set. Can you imagine what it would look like if Jim Irwin didn't get up from his fall? What if he had a heart attack right then? What if he had died on live Tv? They needed a back up plan, obviously, and the back up plan became the main plan.

They wouldn't risk an accident on live Tv. Nixon would absolutely not risk that. LBJ certainly didn't want to touch it - he backed out of the 1968 elections because that's what you do with a top secret CIA planned operation... play many games of musical chairs.

Your idea of astronauts are nothing more than heroic character sketches in a Richard Nixon/Howard Hughes production of "Apollo". Over 40 years the astronauts have become caricatures of themselves!

This thread reveals the true narrative, the New Apollo Narrative

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by Vitruvian

Originally posted by Gibborium
reply to post by Vitruvian

Vitruvian, I sent you an U2U about the YouTube link.

Yes - but the links pertaining to the subject send us to the home page. I PM'd U2U to please fix them.
But its a moot point anyway because I don't think you understood what I was asking for........I ALREADY KNOW HOW TO UPLOAD A VIDEO......I was askin about something else...............

Now you may go back to the topic !!!

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Sorry Vitruvian, no need to go postal. I was just tying to help you out. You asked:

Can someone provide a little assistance ?? How do I load a video so that the link works and its viewable in this window??? Thanks -

I didn't think it proper to go off topic to help you so I sent info in a U2U (private message) on how to embed video. Your video works fine. It is there for all to see and it works in the open window without having to go to the source page.

Now you are talking about animated gif's. Try the main search feature it works great. And you are on your own on this one, the helpful Gibborium has left the room.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

choos, you seem to be wavering, drifting into a dangerous '1984' style thought process. If it's good for the Party, it's good for you. And Apollo was very good for the Party. Do you catch the drift yet? Have you got your money's worth out of this thread yet? It's not 1971. Why do you misplace your loyalty with known C I A agents?

nope, i just dont see why if there were links to the CIA why it would automatically make landing man on the moon impossible? they had the technology to do so, they had the man power, they had the expertise.. but as soon as it looks like the CIA is involved, it must be fake?

im guessing the SR-71 is only a myth? all footage of it was done in a hollywood basement?

They wouldn't risk an accident on live Tv. Nixon would absolutely not risk that.

apparently they did have plans written in the event of a disaster on the moon, should the astronauts die.

This thread reveals the true narrative, the New Apollo Narrative

so far in this thread you have not yet shown how it was impossible for NASA to land man on the moon. so far you have shown some loose CIA links and thats it.. the rest is SPECULATION that if the CIA has loose links to anything than it must be a lie.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by Gibborium

Sorry Vitruvian,

Sorry but I never got your message (and I wasn't upset either) ........So there must be something wrong on my end because I can't see the video in my post window - all I get is this:

Then clicking the link at the bottom of the grey window takes the reader to youtube's page. That's what I want to avoid...........
The only thing I can think it might be is that there is a QuickTime link in the upper left corner of the window and it might mean that I have to purchase QT to correct it ?

Perhaps someone here can clue me in on why I can't see the video in my own window?
edit on 28-6-2012 by Vitruvian because: edited

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

It has never been the purpose of this thread. You know that. Thanks for the bump

What, exactly, is the purpose of this thread? Let's say that all your connections are meaningful, and that the CIA was really behind the Apollo program. That doesn't mean they didn't really go to the Moon, does it? After all, decisively, that brilliant physician and sports correspondent, is of the opinion that they did go, but for nefarious purposes.

The Corvettes are there, special custom paint jobs, special lease program from a Florida dealer. They had everything they wanted but they wanted more.

Previously, you were implying that the astronauts bought the Corvettes with money they received from the CIA. You're now changing your own "narrative."

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by Vitruvian

i dont think thats a quicktime logo, what browser are you using? not sure if that will help.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by choos
reply to post by Vitruvian

i dont think thats a quicktime logo, what browser are you using? not sure if that will help.

CHOOS.......Thanks for your response - I normally use IE9

I am glad you asked me about which BROWSER I use ...........It works for me in SAFARI - so its the fault of my IE9 browser config.........

PS.......Reverted to IE8 and all is well

edit on 28-6-2012 by Vitruvian because: spell

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by Vitruvian

no worries, not really sure what is causing the problem though, something to do with the flash player and IE9 compatibility issues.

similar problem to yours, they have one or two solutions that worked for some, not sure if it will work for you though. other than this i cant help you, stick with safari or try chrome or firefox.

p.s. or like you done stick with IE8

edit on 28-6-2012 by choos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by choos

He needs to go firefox, and sounds like it is a flash player pluggin

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by SayonaraJupiter

Thanks for the bump

But you have not recieved one yet...........

edit on 28-6-2012 by denver22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by SayonaraJupiter
reply to post by choos

You don't have to be so paranoid about a lunar hoax now.

Why are you still going on then? face it we went grandad.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by SayonaraJupiter
reply to post by choos

They wouldn't risk an accident on live Tv. Nixon would absolutely not risk that. LBJ certainly didn't want to touch it - he backed out of the 1968 elections because that's what you do with a top secret CIA planned operation... play many games of musical chairs.

Stop driveling on about they wouldnt shouldnt couldnt and show us that man never went to the moon
Stop getting paranoid and answer !..

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by SayonaraJupiter
reply to post by choos

Too bad for you, Jim Irwin's Apollo 15 narrative has developed into a faith based astronaut myth

No youve managed to turn jims life story into a car salesman pitch
Since i have been away.

Instead of spending your money on one arm bandits and brasses, go save and get a corvette
And stop getting jealous .

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Vitruvian

Okay, I misunderstood which is soooo very easy to do when you can't actually speak with each other.

Looks like choos helped you with the problem. I use Opera as a browser. It has all the bells and whistles and is easy to update and maintain.

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