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What would proof of NDE mean to you?

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posted on May, 29 2012 @ 07:02 PM
I think most people have heard of the AWARE study.

This is study has hidden pictures/words above hospital beds. The goal is to see if anyone claiming to have a NDE can verify the word. The results are due out in late 2012.

I'm curious to know people think about this study BEFORE the results come out. For me personally, it would really give me a sense of peace to have them verified. If they aren't verified, to me it really wouldn't disprove life after death, but it would make it more of an unknown.

What would this mean to atheists or people who only think heaven is for followers of a specific religion?

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by Daughter2

If the results don't come back true, they did it on purpose. There is already proof, blind and deaf people seeing and hearing in their NDE and being confirmed what they saw and heard. What more proof do you need than that? Unfortunately, those go ignored and only the normal ones are talked about so that people can remain skeptical.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Daughter2

I like the idea of them using the randomly generated words visible only from a certain perspective - however I think it's interesting to study the brain during these "NDEs" - most of these people actually DIE so I think it's retarded to call them "Near-Death" when they, you know, actually die. However, in such cases where they do die, I'm fairly certain there wouldn't be ANY brain activity, so if they observed no brain activity, yet the patient was able to verify seeing the random word, that confirms - in my book - that the spirit really does exist and has a consciousness of it's own, or rather absorbs as much consciousness as our brain does.

I really don't know what I'm talking about but nice find

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 07:22 PM
Proof of NDE? Having one.
During surgery my heart stopped, and I could hear the beeping from the machine and the nurses panicing,
it only lasted a minute or so, I floated out of my body into a freezing silent hazy grey void and into the ceiling.
on the other side of the ceiling was my body, in another hospital, the next day at night.
I was essentially a weightless ghost.

I woke up 100% certain my 'spirit' or something like it had just 'teleported',
the hospital was miles away and at a different time.

proof for me at least..

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 07:29 PM
It would prove to me that consciousness survives physical death, but I suspect that already. What it would not prove is God, Jesus, or any particular belief beyond consciousness surviving. I suspect people will see what they want to see, so if they believe they will see 72 virgins, they will. If they believe they will meet Jesus, they will. Their reality will be even more subjective than it is here. I'm sure it will be interesting. I'm willing to wait, though. there's no particular hurry.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 07:38 PM
Unfortunately, I don't think the study will really amount to much. Don't get me wrong, I think it is really interesting and could indicate that there really is something happening. However, let's say nobody recalls the words? Would that disprove it? Certainly not, but it would lead researches to argue that NDE's are just a brain chemistry thing.

Personally, I have listened/watched hundreds of hours of NDE testimony and I think there is something there, but the experiences, to a certain extent, are quite varied with respect to what normally people would accept as reality or real aspects. Further, it seems not one of the experiencees can trump or get out of the experience at their own will - that is, the experience seems to be custom crafted for them, for a higher purpose, by a higher hand.

That's just my two cents. However, if they were to be able to provide researchers with the words, and that information was accurately provided for others to see, watch out! Nonetheless, it still wouldn't address religions or post living paradigms - just that consciousness extends beyond the body, during a death of the body (albeit temporary).

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 07:49 PM
Thank you for all your replies but I still would really like to hear from people who strictly follow one of the major religions or from people who think we just happened because of evolution.

The "soul" can't really be explained by evolution, so how would these people take knowledge of a soul?

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by Daughter2

Why wouldn't the soul be explainable by evolution? I think what you mean is, as evolution is taught here on earth at the moment. I could give you plenty of evolutionary models that would incorporate a soul, but not a God (for the sake of argument).

Further, let's suppose that the results came back as people could read the words, that still would not be proof of a soul. The argument could be made, that consciousness has a limited non-locality before it dissipates into the ether.

Realistically, I think the biggest impact it would have on any community, would be the science community. But, I think it is far from providing any proof that the soul exists. Nonetheless, you would have divided camps again, arguing just that point.

From a religious perspective, my mother had an NDE and is uber-Christian. She saw JC and only confirms her paradigm. However, others that I have talked/listened to, say that there is no Hell or that they saw some other prophet.

Nonetheless, I think your curiosity is quite just, as it is - IMO - the biggest of all the wu wu topics.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Daughter2
Thank you for all your replies but I still would really like to hear from people who strictly follow one of the major religions or from people who think we just happened because of evolution.

The "soul" can't really be explained by evolution, so how would these people take knowledge of a soul?

So you want answers only from people who already subscribe to a particular point of view OR people who don't believe it at all????? I'm amazed. You're only wanting to hear from the clueless.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by schuyler

I didn't mean to exclude people who already believe in NDEs, I just was ALSO interested in the opinion of non-believers. If you already believed in NDEs, positive results wouldn't change your opinions much, would it?

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 09:01 PM

I'm a well documented NDEr ... I was raised with unconventional religious beliefs leaning towards the christian but through that experience I realized all religion is not at all accurate .

I also realized consciousness is energy it does not die it changes form with respect to dimensional aspects .

here is the synopsis

I was DOA and flat line heart and brain for 15-20 min at the hospital .. I was supposed to be a veggie as a result of brain damage my parents were told ... it took me 10 or 15 years to recover .. my IQ now averages 148 ..So maybe they dont know it all .. eh ? ...



posted on May, 29 2012 @ 09:23 PM
This may or may not be the same but, when I had to get my wisdom teeth taken out they put me to sleep. About a week after the surgery I had a dream/vision... My perspective was looking over myself in the operating room while the doctors were cutting out my teeth and there was a lot of blood. It was almost like I was a fly on the wall observing my body. So, could dieing and being put under cause the soul to leave the body for a short time until either you wake up or are revived? Just thinking.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
It would prove to me that consciousness survives physical death, but I suspect that already.

How do you know this wasn't a spooky aspect of an out of body experience that distorts perception of time? Why would this convince you that the person actually saw this while dead?

What it would not prove is God, Jesus, or any particular belief beyond consciousness surviving. I suspect people will see what they want to see, so if they believe they will see 72 virgins, they will. If they believe they will meet Jesus, they will. Their reality will be even more subjective than it is here. I'm sure it will be interesting. I'm willing to wait, though. there's no particular hurry.

Yes in very tragic recent death last year of young teenager who died of cardiac arrest, had addressed the world about previous NDE's on youtube, had also said that he believed in God an Angels, but then had a vison not of Jesus or any Divine figure, but of rapper Kid Cudi, who had obviously impacted his life through music.

NDE's aren't pointing to anything dramatically eventful, in the sense that people aren't pointing to anything that points to an afterlife - just the same stories of white light, euphoria, peace, seeing dead relatives, divine figures, floating sensation, having no body sometimes. People see and experience all those things on drugs or controlled conditions that simulate a NDEs such as the case with gravity simulators. What people aren't able to do for some reason is ask some specific questions and come back with some answers. Questions that specifically address what the experience of the afterlife has been like before arriving.

Yes I'm stil waiting for the die hard skeptic to have an NDE and doing some investigating, because everyone else is too overwhelmed with the experience, which is expected - is the mind even capable of comprehending death?

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