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Tension Builds Up In Gibraltar

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posted on May, 29 2012 @ 06:28 PM
Many Gibraltarians feel that we always end up with the short end of the stick when it comes to international politics, and we do, in my honest opinion.
We may be a small community, but we're a vibrant one.
An ever growing, fast and economically competant nation.
So what is Gibraltar's most dire problem?
The fact that right next door lives a country whose current and former governments claim sovereignty over the Rock.

Gibraltar feeds ten thousand commuting spaniards.
That should be enough for the spanish government to say "thank you", considering Spain's unemployment problem.
But the spanish central government of Madrid does the opposite, they spit in our face by constantly claming "Gibraltar is Spanish."
Those are the least of our worries. What they fail to realise is; that they will never change the minds of Gibraltarians, regarding Spain, with fascist tactics like inhumane border ques.

What's even more interesting is that; most of the spanish people who are born and bred in the area of Campo de Gibraltar, want Gibraltar to remain British, and one can only guess why.
The latest conflict between Gibraltar and Spain has begun out at sea.
Gibraltar's last government completely ignored a law passed by the previous government, protecting the envoirnment.
Fast forward sixteen years, of the same government in office and the previous government win the election and implement the law, which they passed.

This law prevents fishing practices that doesn't give the fish a chance to reproduce.
The Spanish fishermen continue to use illegal nets.
They completely defy Gibraltar's laws.
The problem is the Spanish central government PP doesn't recognize Gibralta'rs territorial waters.
They don't even recognize our constitution, which was accepted by the UK.

They say that when Spain ceded Gibraltar to England, Gibraltar had no territorial waters.
That argument is moot because no country had territorial waters in 1713, when the Treaty of Utrecht was signed.
as defined today, the concept having developed to the UN convention on territorial seas, first concluded in the 1950s to a 3-mile limit and subsequently, in the 1980s, increased to a limit of 12 miles to all territories having a sea coast.

The thing is, the UK and Gibraltar have offered Spain to settle the dispute in an international court, of course Spain declines.
Because once it's settled there, there will be no more dispute.
The other morning I witnessed a stand off between the Spanish Guardia Civil and Gibraltar Police and the Royal Navy.
Despite warning from Gibraltar police to the Spanish fishing boats, the proceeded to fish in Gibraltar waters.

The police intercepted. That's when the Spanish Guardia Civil entered Gibraltar waters. Things were heating up.
The Royal Navy was there on stand by and as soon as that Guardia came in, they sent them a message;

“This is Gibraltar Navy Ops,” the officer said over the VHF radio.

“You are in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters and I consider you to be violating UNCLOS Article 19 governing the right of innocent passage.”

“Your activities are being recorded and are being reported to a higher national authority.”

“You are to cease your current actions and leave British Gibraltar Territorial Waters immediately.”

The warning was repeated three times, sources said.

That's when the Guardia boat turned back.

The tension is building up and it's dividing the people no doubt, on both sides of the border.
It was only last year when a Spanish Guardia boat docked in Gibraltar, the guards jumped out their boat and started firing shots in a park full with children and their families, because they were chasing tobacco smugglers.
This incident never made it to mainstream news, it was swept under the carpet.

We'll see where this ends. William Hague and Margallo met to discuss the issue. The reports are that the matter will be dealt by the parties involved, the Gibraltar government and the Spanish fishermen.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 06:34 PM
Wow first I've heard of this, surprised England won't sanction them in an attempt to help protect you guys

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by dorkfish87

The UK should have a tougher stance.

This stuff is also on Spanish news, all day, every day.
On Spanish tv programs. The level of propaganda is incredible.
We're the ones to blame because of course, Spain's not big enough for them to fish in.

It's big enough, the problem there is there's no fish, because they killed them all.

posted on May, 29 2012 @ 07:01 PM
Within 10 minutes the thread disapeard from new topics and new topics fire hose.
Strange that.
Guess now it's dead and buried.

Off to bed.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 02:10 PM

Wow, and now an arrest has been made for a person simply taking a photograph. The Spanish are rattling one big sabre at us in my opinion...

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by Dr Cosma

Here we are worried about WW3 and you all are worried about illegal fishing? I don't want to make it not sound important or anything....But this is the reason everyone on this planet needs to just get along!!

You guys are fighting with others about fishing! We are arguing about something that hasn't even been proved! All of this for someone to show their testicles are bigger than the other guy!!

This world has gone bat $hit crazy if you ask me!!

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by Chrisfishenstein

It's an important issue for this contributor. I assume he/she lives on Gibraltar and is giving us a unique perspective on events. There's a whole wide world outside USA, you know, ATS is for everyone not just USA !

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by Chrisfishenstein
reply to post by Dr Cosma

Here we are worried about WW3 and you all are worried about illegal fishing? I don't want to make it not sound important or anything....But this is the reason everyone on this planet needs to just get along!!

You guys are fighting with others about fishing! We are arguing about something that hasn't even been proved! All of this for someone to show their testicles are bigger than the other guy!!

This world has gone bat $hit crazy if you ask me!!

I think this is a very good example that we as a species have a very long way to go. We need something amazing like free energy to happen. Aliens, frigging something to bring us all together.

For these people this is their world war, it is their lively hood and their freedom and liberty. One of those strange ones. Spanish are in trouble and why is the UK not helping them more. I can't believe Spain even bothering, they need help from the other European big players and that means UK. They can't afford a conflict., literally.

I feel for the gilbalties, I lift up good thoughts and prayers for them in hopes the Spanish abserve their seas and that peace prevails. And don't worry about those worried about other things, the war to end all wars will be ever Israel so unless that conflict shifts in that direction there is nothing to worry about.

We are with you in spirit.

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