You're not offending me. I've put up far worse things in the past (text though, which seems to really offend people whenever religion is mentioned).
I always have bad dreams but they are usually far more personal and reality-based, stabbing at my many failures in life. Decades of being bullied,
that sort of thing.
I understand the nightmare thing, i was plagued by night terrors as a youth and still have them from time to time. I just wanted to make sure that
the image wasn't offensive as it wasn't my intent to offend any one. I thought it might bring a little humor to what in reality is a terrible act.
I on the other hand did not post this in the Miami Cannibal thread because i believe that thread is beyond humor at this point.
thank you and good day/night depending on your location in this universe.
cant say that i have a bad word to say about o'l cap'n.... so no worries here, i just didnt want to offend any one.
Food shouldn't eat food... i almost fell out of my chair in shock and laughter. That is one of those things that should not be funny but in a weird
way is... wow.. what is this world coming too... lol
thank you and good day/night depending on your location in this universe.