posted on May, 29 2012 @ 02:23 PM
"One of the most tantalising ever accounts of an apparent encounter with a UFO – deemed so credible it apparently convinced a British minister –
can be told for the first time.
It is one of the most tantalising ever official accounts of an encounter with a UFO – deemed so credible it even convinced the government minister
who investigated it.
Now, for the first time, the sighting of a flying saucer by an RAF fighter pilot and the subsequent high level inquiry it prompted can be revealed.
The sighting occurred in 30 July 1952, when Flight Sergeant Roland Hughes was on a training flight over West Germany in a de Havilland Vampire FB9.
As he was returning to base, he reported being intercepted by a "gleaming silver, metallic disc" which flew alongside his aircraft before speeding
off. The mystery object was also detected by RAF radars on the ground, which recorded it travelling at speeds far in excess of any known aircraft.