posted on May, 27 2012 @ 06:15 PM
Alright everyone, I'm wondering if we can sit back for a moment - and try to think some of this through...
Suppose we did shoot down an alien craft in 1947. And suppose we have been learning how to back-engineer all kinds of technology that has benifited
us from that date forward - leading to the USA having the most superior military ever known to mankind; Computer chips, etc.. etc... etc.....
Now, if we really were so advanced - having technology many, many years ahead of what is being used or shown PUBLICLY today, and we do have super
high-tech weapons; possibly free energy sources, anti-gravity proplusion, weather manipulation and the like, or more, tell me why our gov't. can't
(or won't) display this NOW and just Take Control of this old-fashoned world and solve the mess we see evolving around us in May 2012 today.
I can hear some say, but then the 'other guys' might know what we have.....the Russians or the Chineese...("we can't divulge our highest secret
technology to the enemy"). Really? If we do have all of this stuff, we could just use it NOW and save this planet - we could take control of this
World! We could benifit and save humanity before we let ourselves decend into more mindless wars (Iran/Russia/China?WWIII), human suffering and other
possible global chotastrophies..... (CAN YOU SAY FUKISHIMA?)
Aliens, or the Illumanti - something must be stopping the USA from fixing this world if we REALLY have all the super high-tech things we all love to
talk about here. Think about it for a moment - if we do have half of what we sometimes discuss in This Forum and others, we could take this World by
the B**ls and Solve All of Mankinds Problems Right Now.....
Who, or what, is Holding Us Back? Why?