Yesterday, the radio station KFI in LA did a moving tribute to the injured soldiers that come back with serious injuries. The segment was sponsored by
the Fischer House Foundation. It supports the relatives of injured soldiers. Amongst other things they provide housing for the family members, so they
can stay close to the hospital where the vets heal.
I was very moved by it until I started to think: Who sent those soldiers in harms way? It was the government. And now when they come back, gravely
wounded, the government doesn't really care about their well-being, so a private organisation has to take up the slack for the families involved?
This is just wrong. As long as the warriors are fully functioning they are cared for, but when they become unable to fight due to injuries, the
government only offers basic care, but in essence the families are on their own.
While I applaud the effort of the Fischer House foundation, I'm deeply disturbed by the limited care (and care should involve the entire family) that
the government displays.
I will have to agree with you. I am not sure how much support you or troops will get any more though as many on ATS are anti-troops.
I think a degree of the reason the government treats them this way is that they volunteer. War vets are treated like crap not only by the government
who uses them like meat, but by many of their countrymen when they return home.
I am not saying that I agree with the current wars, however the troops are doing a job trying to feed their families.
I'm not brave enough to join the military. But I also know that my life has more value than conquering the next hill top, only to give it back to the
enemy three months later ...
As you can see I have ambivalent feelings about the military, but the brave injured soldiers AND their families should get world-class treatment from
the government. These brave women and men are prepared to die for the country, but the government is not prepared to do the same so to speak. It's an
unfair deal when you think about it.
Originally posted by AllIsOne reply to post by Raist
It's an unfair deal when you think about it.
I cannot agree more. I feel that this is an understatement.
Troops get treated like garbage by the government. I have heard bad stories from the VA, it seems they really do not care. It seems cheaper if they
just let them die than try to help those who were willing to help them.
I didn't want to start a new thread so I will leave this here, just some thoughts on the day and current events. You may agree or disagree, just
wanted to share. Stay safe everyone!