posted on May, 27 2012 @ 08:57 AM
I thought I make this thread because my wife and me think about getting two bows.
She´s much more smaller then me so we inevitable need two individual bows. I read through some german websites about compounds already and its a wide
We have plenty of room in our garden and I can set up ranges up to 100m if I want to.
Probably its gonna 70+m because I don´t want to cut down that bushes just for that.
So we´re going to test some bows from our local bow sports club tomorrow and I hope there will be some compound bows present because that would be my
choice. My wife tends more to the classic design, maybe a long bow.
So if you have a picture of your bow, setup and maybe some words about why you choose this setup, it would be very cool
Edit: Not for hunting. Its unefficient and illegal in germany, too.
edit on 27-5-2012 by verschickter because: (no reason given)