posted on May, 25 2012 @ 11:57 AM
Been a while since I created a post...hope all is well here on ATS land!
So, I live about 45 miles SE of Phoenix proper...last night while on the back patio, looking westward, must have been about 7-7:30ish, I noticed a
couple bodies that I have never seen before...I think. The moon was about 45 degrees above the horizon, and whatever planet is visible in proximity
to the moon right now was at it's proper place. about 20 degrees "north" of the moons position were two more very bright bodies, but they were
almost what I would call teardrop shaped, at first I thought they were contrails way off in the distance, but they moved only with the
horizon...anyways, these two bodies when I viewed them were about 15-20 degrees above the horizon. Just wondering if any of you have any idea what
they, no pics, so I know it didn't, but I was really dumbfounded at the shapes...I'll be looking again tonight!
Thanks in advance to anyone that can answer with the imprecise details above.