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posted on May, 25 2012 @ 06:02 AM
Hi, I am Brittany form New York USA. I love to chat with other peoples. In search I found this great board and read lots of good topic posted by the board members. I would like to be a part of this great community.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 06:06 AM
welcome! see ya around the boards

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by brittanyS

Welcome and enjoy! There is a wide berth here to explore and keep your mind open and don't get boxed in!

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by brittanyS

Welcome to the ATS community
Straight jackets are on your left, meds are on the table, and if you hurry, you can still get a seat in group therapy.

Look forward to seeing you in the forums! If you have any questions just ask, a mod will probably stop by and give you some useful links soon.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 06:13 AM

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 07:12 AM
Welcome to the mothership.

It's a great board, you'll like it here.

Take care and hope to see you around the boards

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 07:26 AM
Welcome from a fellow ATS newbie.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by Santa

OMG!!! I was told at like age 4 or 5 that you didn't exist..

Seriously though, Welcome to ATS as well, I will be looking for you on the forums as well.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by Rustyk
reply to post by Santa

OMG!!! I was told at like age 4 or 5 that you didn't exist..

Seriously though, Welcome to ATS as well, I will be looking for you on the forums as well.

Thanks. I only exist as long as you believe. Everybody should believe in Santa!

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by brittanyS

Hey brittanyS and welcome to ATS!

Please remember that for now you can only send PM’s (Personal messages) to staff members and you can only post a new thread here in the introduction forum, a forum specifically for you to say hello to our community.

Once you reach 20 posts you’re free to post a new thread anywhere else on the boards as well as send PM’s to any other member, not just staff.

To help you get started, here’s some important links for you to read through:

Index of Important ATS Related Threads

Hey new members!! Come here if you need advice

New Rules for Avatars and Mini-Profile Backgrounds

Courtesy Is Mandatory

Contacting Staff: Alerts, Suggestions, Complaints

Terms and Conditions of use (Important. Please read!)

Before starting a new thread please also make sure to do a search here to make sure there isn’t already a thread on the topic.

I hope you enjoy your time here and if you have any questions about anything at all, feel more than free to ask.

Rising Against,
Forum Moderator.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 12:08 PM

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by Santa

S A N T A ! ! ! !
ok, I wanna x box, a wii, a playstation, a go cart, a dirt bike, a tablet, a flat screen, and some silly putty! I've been a very, very good lil chiten and I've shared my worms and crow every morning and everything!

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