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Was I a guinea pig?

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posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 04:54 PM
A few years ago (I think '98) I cut my hand and had to get stitches. They gave me a tetanus shot too. 5 days later I had a full blown case of lockjaw (no feeling in extremities, flu like symptomes, progressed to stiff neck etc.) So I went back to the hospital for this 'illness'. Had a different doctor than the ones who fixed me. She did that hammer hit thing for reflexes. I had none. She looked at the injection site-severly inflamed. She got concerned and went to fetch my file. She came back in the room, flipped open the folder--and then did a shocked doubletake (got a weird shocked looked on her face). She concluded that I had had "an allergic reaction" to the tetanus shot and gave me medicine (presumably an anti-histimine) although I don't remember. I asked her what a tetanus shot is and she said--- "I don't know". OK? A DOCTOR said this! She did then opine that it was a "killed horse virus". This stitch and shot episode was covered by my work insurance. However---I began to get bills for the follow up visit. I submitted these to my employer--it was supposed to be handled but wasn't (lazy workers). Then I quit the job. Still kept getting a bill for the follow up which progressed to collection agents and attorneys (over like $100 mind you). I was going to submit again to former employer and then thought--hey this was the hospitals screw up--why should former company pay? So I wrote a nasty letter to the collectors--outlining the above lockjaw story---and I never heard another word.
My questions---what the hell did they DO TO ME???? Why the shocked look on the Doctors face when she read my file? I tend to think it may have been an "overdose" of the tetanus shot-----but-----what if something more sinister? I must say too--that I really should have followed through with this soon after it occurred--but I was SO SICK (I have NEVER been so sick in my life)--I was reaching like hallucinations/delerium and I just wanted my health back. So I let it go........
Why I bring it up now is because since this incident I keep "catching things"--severe flu type things often! Prior to this I hardly ever got sick! Last year I felt like I had SARS or West Nile I was so damn sick! I am in good shape......Also--I have a neighbor who has experienced the same sort of thing---he is a 25 yr old bodybuilder! Now catching everything coming along!
And---like me---he had a tetanus shot apx. 6 years ago.
Hate to be long winded---but a related idea, kind of. I have had SEVERELY BAD hayfever for the last few years. Drug companies clone their own drugs after patents (and $$) expire---such as Claritin beget Clarinex to make bigger $$$ off patent/prescrip drugs. Also---I noticed when Claritin went OTC (apx 2-3 yrs ago) all of sudden there were allergy med ads on TV (specifically Claritin OTC) in the WINTER! There is--not supposed to be anyway-no hayfever in winter! So my paranoid idea is----are we being blasted with allergens to up sales of drugs? Drug companies are huge $$ loblyists to the Government. They could hit you through other med treatment (such as a shot), they could crop dust even---around this time (2-3 yrs ago) I noticed alot of light plane traffic AT NIGHT! Light planes cannot land around here---only commercial! And what about the banning of Ephedra????? Beside dieters and jocks---lots and lots of allergy sufferers take this stuff because it works FANTASTIC on hayfever! And cheaper too! Now its gone......
Any thoughts? Anybody else have similar experience?
Gotta go sneeze now.......(just concluded the 'whooping cough' sickness too...?)

[edit on 1-10-2004 by Niki]

posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 07:44 PM
Sounds like you had Tetanus Immune Globulin. It's basically a dead virus from an animal (usually a horse like you mentioned but not horse parts) and shouldnt give you tetanus itself, but can give a mess of a reaction in some people. It's pretty rare to progress all the way to symptoms like yours, but I'm surprised at the doctor's reaction of "I don't know". Tetanus shots are usually combined with Pertussis vaccinations, and it's the pertussis that is usually the bad guy. I've pasted some links below to it with some good info about the vaccines and side effects.

It's very possible the reaction you had made you more succeptable to other microbes and bacteria that your body would have normally been able to fight off and that's what had you so sick right after - another side effect. (sites reputable sources)

As for prolonged allergies, it may or may not be directly related to the vaccine itself. People often experience allergies more severely at varions points in their lives, and this may just be a coincidence. You might want to spring for a trip to a new doctor to describe your situation in detail, and see what they think. Many local health departments can provide a doctor for you at a reduced rate or sliding scale.

There is a risk involved with any vaccination, and the medical community learns more every year about our bodies and reactions, and advancements are always made in vaccines and medicines. Usually, the risk without the vaccine is much greater than the risk from the vaccine.

The provider at the time you got treatment should pay for whatever your policy covered at the time of your visit to the doctor. If you were insured by another company a year later and went to a new doctor a year later, then provided your visit was covered by their plan, it should not matter who your provider was originally. If you're in some legal troubles or financial troubles, it's worth a trip to an expert. A lot of companies provide free lines for employee help from their HR departments.

Be persistant with your doctors and demand answers. I hope you find out something that can help you, and I hope you can feel better and back to normal. Good luck!


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