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Everything in State of Meltdown

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posted on May, 24 2012 @ 11:04 PM
My relationship is in a state of meltdown too.

I'm not sure if anyone here reads Clif High's Shape of Things to Come, but he predicted this. That the sun was going to mess with our heads and cause everything to go to crap.

On the plus side, Facebook is also in a state of meltdown.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by ltdan08

My marriage is in partial meltdown. My bother in laws marriage is in total meltdown and cooling is not possible. Israel is ready to cause meltdown. It has to be all connected.

What can reverse it?

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by prophetboy12

I don't agree with you. Viewed through the lens of history....civilization itself has been in a state of meltdown since the formation of the first cities.

The reason why it seems so overbearingly corrupt is this: Global communications. Humanity has achieved so very much in the last 100 years. So very much so that the past seems to be idealized.

Trust me....all the nonsense that you say is happening today has happened since the dawn of civilization. The difference being that in the past we did not have the ability to communicate massively as we do today.

Welcome to humanity.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 03:53 AM
Ok let me make something clear. God would be the creator of an entire universe and all the matter and living things that exist within it. We are not Gods but are created in God's image. We can through achievement display the power of Gods. transmuting elements and atoms etc. but to say that we ARE Gods is a far stretch and actually quite arrogant.

next if you want help realizing your true self. your spiritual essence which you are that inhabits a body of flesh and not the other way around (a body that has a spirit/soul). I can and am willing to help you.

it is after all the absolute only reason i am here on ATS is to help ppl find their way back to God as I have found it and am simply holding the door open and shouting to others to come this way.

I know the path, i know where it exists. i know of the gateway and how it is operated. i also know what makes it operate in the way it does and why it is so.
edit on 25-5-2012 by 0mage because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by prophetboy12

Yet you still have internet and are comfy at home to type away at your keyboard.

Its going to be ok.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 09:05 AM
Its just doom and gloom as the media reports only the damaging crap that human nature wants to hear.

How many people across the world save someone's life in a day ?
There must be a few, emergency services and the like.

But you don't hear about that as its NOT news.

I would rather hear something nice and uplifting on the news instead of corrupt bankers / politicians doing their dirty deeds.

as some of the other posters have said, I suspect the illegal despots running the various countries want everyone to know how corrupt they are just to rub our faces in the sh1t.

but that's what I think, not that it counts for anything. lol

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by 0mage

How is it then that the body dissolves away and the spirit moves on. What occupies what and what moves on. I think you have it backwards.

In the ritual of the ascension the body through testing with the soul becomes one. It then ascends because it no longer has the density to stay grounded to the planetary body.

How much clearer could Jesus make it. That was the message two thousand years ago and you still don't get it.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by My_Reality

Great excuse for doing nothing. It was, it always has been, so let it be. I call that cowardice. Go back to sleep and dream it away.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 10:05 AM
"Since the beginning of human history, humans have been collectively assimilating knowledge over time. This knowledge has manifested itself as our technology."

That is exactly right! I am only 25 years old and for years, I have been trying to explain to my friends how technology is the root of all evil but I'm a coo-coo ya know! People can not understand it, and don't want to believe the unbelievable. TV and these stupid reality shows are ALL distractions, just like cell phones. People care more about a celebrities life, rather then their the well being of their own. Most people to choose to read status updates on FB (I deleted my FB account 5 months ago) or catch up on their latest reality series, I don't watch TV for more than an hour a day and it's always the news (even the news is controlled and a lot of people don't know). I prefer to read and educate myself I'm literally addicted history, politics, homeopathy, and ATS!

I read somewhere recently that, the smartgrid will fail and destroy us is 20 years (if we're still around). Why is that concept so difficult for some to understand? Everytime we use our gps, smartphones, and smart tvs we are subjecting ourselves and info to anyone's advantage if they have the ability.

7 years ago while i was in high school I can't remember why but I wished that I lived in the old fashioned days like my grandparents did, or even earlier. Ive felt that way ever since and im making more sense as to why now. It makes me happy to see others who have a similar way of the thinking, you guys are by far much more bright then me but I do try!!! Thanks this eye opening thread and interesting comments!

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by prophetboy12
reply to post by obnoxiouschick

Ob, God needs leaders. Those that understand and have the strength to lead. That is the impossible task. That is the part that frustrates me the most. Most want to be an ostrich and bury their heads in the sand. (Ostriches don't really bury their heads).

So do you use our freewill to simply let things happen? Doesn't seem like that is what we are about. I for one am tired of thinking about this, but I can't stop. It consumes my every second. I by vow have to hang around until all are saved.

Do not really agree with that god needs leaders. God is not about the pyramid of power whatever any religion tells you. God send teachers and you can honor them but if they are true then they will not want any true power over you. From my point of view calling Jesus Lord is missingunderstanding everything. He is my soulbrother and I will follow him when he knows more or have a better idea than I do but I expect him to follow if he know less. It is a teameffort and not a egotrip. Being one with god probably means being able to be guided by those who know more and being open to the strangeness of the true reality. Someday a big part of humanity will work by themself for the good off all decided by all on the most local level so that the world has a dynamic solution where people can choose to live where they feel they fit in.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by obnoxiouschick
reply to post by prophetboy12

I do try to get some to understand but some people really don't get it.
I used to think about why mental health patients always obsess about religion.
I actually worked with mental health patients for over 15, the last 8 were specific to schizophrenics.
I feel I was making a difference but within the confines of my job.
I wonder since a lot of people with these diagnosis don't need the medication are they being dumbed down because they are more aware/ see angels/demons, or have a different view of all this.
That is what I want to do.
I want to go to the mental hospitals and talk with patients.
They get frustrated because people never believe what they have to say.

But I know I can't just walk in and do this.

I can relate. I ones meet somebody I thought was totaly crazy. He told me things that was going to happen and they did and I did not belive him at all. I kinda underastand his views now and in a way he was correct from my point of view also but he simplified it to much. The people who are crazy are sometimes more real than other people because the have lost the masks and show the thruth of what they are.

Now I sometimes think sometimes that the ones who we belive are mentaly healthy are just blind and some of the crazy ones are the ones who in fact are sane.

Gnarls Barkley - Crazy

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by satron

Originally posted by prophetboy12
reply to post by satron

The reason you can't shape God is because He's waiting to see what you will become.

Bologna. When I was talking about God, I meant God as an abstraction that works it's way up to being something that's physical that could be viewed by people as "God-like" But it's not going to happen anytime soon, the Singularity isn't going to be easily obtained. Don't hold your breath for some machine God to heal the woes of the world. That is just another distraction, much like the hope people had in 2012.

What is more likely is the wealthy will have access to technology that improves themselves beyond what a normal person will have access to. You enjoy being a lap dog?

Don't count out change and something happening behind the scenes. But im not sure that 2012 might just be new date to keep some specific people around and not lose hope and there will be a new date after 2012. Synchronicity tells some people that something have changed in how human concious works and that there is porgress.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
reply to post by obnoxiouschick

People live in fear. They fear change. They want to maintain the status quo, yet, the status quo is weak. I look forward to change because honestly, I don't like the direction the world is headed.

Totalitarian governments. Pollution. Corporate greed. Religious hegemony. NO THANK YOU!!! Something has to happen, and it is.

Of course something will happen and change will come. This is the wake up call and when the people go to the bottom they will have a chance to loose their ego and recive the wisdom and become the solution. If the humans as a whole was smarter (less egocentric and openminded) then this could have been gentler but the conditioning/brainwasking is what it is and the idiocies of the previous generation lives on. 25 hundred years and 20 hundred years and still humanity have not evolved and all the other ones sent that I do not know about. Still duality and ego parasitic systems and the power pyramid of corruption.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by prophetboy12
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

Do you have to kill a person to treat them for a disease? No you give treatments intended to change the outcome. It is only Karma that will determine what happens and we can transmute Karma.

George Washington had three visions of the tests for America. The third test is do we let the PTB destroy us or challenge them on every level?

Can we keep our Republic? That was the big question after the signing.

Depend on if your gonna create direct democracy byt the people where decisions are made localy. Representative goverment do not work since it is of the pyramid of power and that will never work long because it always collapses. The design is faulty since it leads to ego corruption and lies and manipulation.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by prophetboy12
reply to post by 0mage

How is it then that the body dissolves away and the spirit moves on. What occupies what and what moves on. I think you have it backwards.

In the ritual of the ascension the body through testing with the soul becomes one. It then ascends because it no longer has the density to stay grounded to the planetary body.

How much clearer could Jesus make it. That was the message two thousand years ago and you still don't get it.

He got it right from my point of view also. The sleeper must awakeen. The body is only a temporary veasal and the mind and definetly the ego is also temporary. When ego is lost temporary the soul/spirit shines thru totaly that was very lowkey before and the mind follows since the ego is not in the way. The meaning becoming one is that the body/mind/soul stop fighting for control and it is because the body/mind understand that it does not have the wisdom of the 3. The connection to the other side is within the unconciouss thru the soul and the mind/ego is enterpeting it sometimes faulty.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by apushforenlightment

Originally posted by obnoxiouschick
reply to post by prophetboy12
But I know I can't just walk in and do this.

I can relate. I ones meet somebody I thought was totaly crazy. He told me things that was going to happen and they did and I did not belive him at all. I kinda underastand his views now and in a way he was correct from my point of view also but he simplified it to much. The people who are crazy are sometimes more real than other people because the have lost the masks and show the thruth of what they are.

Now I sometimes think sometimes that the ones who we belive are mentaly healthy are just blind and some of the crazy ones are the ones who in fact are sane.

There has to be something to it. So many have religious issues. It's down as part of a psych evaluation.
Some that I met were really cool.
Average just a little off center that's all.
Then there were a few that kept insisting that I was an angel.
I wish .....then I could just fly off.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by prophetboy12

You put it so well that I gave a S&F. However, you have to consider that this type of meltdown has happened many times throughout history. Deaths by volcanoes, tsunamis, fall of whole empires... The only difference now is that we have the capability of destroying the entire planet.

If the planet is not destroyed, I can still see massive changes ahead. Maybe my own beloved country (the U.S.) will fall under a world of nations against us. Totally new economies will have to replace this financial abortion we're in. Isreal won't see the year 2020.

Can't say with any type of background on this stuff, but life as we know it will surely change.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 11:24 PM
I know my own life is a red-hot heap of lava, so ... yeah.

posted on May, 26 2012 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by prophetboy12

Originally posted by prophetboy12
reply to post by My_Reality

Great excuse for doing nothing. It was, it always has been, so let it be. I call that cowardice. Go back to sleep and dream it away.

Wow. You make a lot of assumptions from the few lines of text I posted. If anyone is asleep it would be you. You attempt to explain away the darkness in humanity as a state of meltdown. The same goes for the other subjects you brought up. The fact is it is the complete opposite of a state of meltdown. Chaos is the natural order of things. Since you apparently did not understand what I was saying I suppose that I will explain in more detail.

The Economy is in a state of Meltdown.

Why is that a surprise to you? People, in general, are corrupt, greedy, decadent. This reflects onto the economic system. There are exceptions to the norm, however. For example, there are a few companies in the US that are run fairly. These companies pay each employee an equal share of the profits to all --- no matter what their job is.

So, no. The economy is not in a meltdown in the philosophical sense. It is running exactly how it was benefit solely the people that own the capital that is required to manufacture things.

Politics is in a state of Meltdown. Constitution over ridden, government attorneys breaking laws, refusing to answer to congress.

Sheesh. Take a look through history and you will see that corrupt politics is the norm. There are a few examples of a just political system in history but these systems always seem to be defeated by human nature. Take the US -- it was founded on noble principles but human nature has struck again and ruined it. I would love to see a much better system but the sad fact is that Honorable, Ethical people are far more rare than the corrupt ones.

The planet is in a state of Meltdown. Earthquakes, Volcanos, Tidal waves, Fireballs, Solar Flares.

This is easily the most amusing thing you have said. I hate to break it to you but all these events that you list are natural phenomena that happen on a regular basis. This is not unusual. Yes, at certain time periods there appear to be far more natural disasters than normal. It probably has something to do with where our solar system happens to be traveling in relation to the galaxy. For example, if we travel through a molecular cloud in the galaxy our solar system will be disturbed and it is likely that a greater number of natural disasters will occur. Nothing "meltdown" about that.

Emotions are in a state of Meltdown. Violence after games, murder for no reason, political assassinations.

I agree. Your reply to my first post is a good example of this. I simply told you that I did not agree with you and briefly explained why. You could have replied in civil manner but you didn't. News flash --- you are a part of this problem. Furthermore, you seem to disregard the fact that murder, assassinations, violence has been a part of humanity for a long time. It may seem more pronounced today but that is merely because there are far more people on this planet today and, back to what I originally said, communication systems that are far advanced.

Morality is in a state of Meltdown.

Who are you to decide what morality is? Morality differs from culture to culture. What you find immoral may be perfectly acceptable to someone else. Perhaps your personal morality is in a state of meltdown but mine is most certainly not.

I have no illusions as to what human beings are capable of. You seem to have many. Everything in a state of meltdown? No, but I would say that you are in that state. Oh, and by the way. I love doing nothing. Nothingness is a state that is free from desire. Desire is the millstone that is around your neck. Instead of seeing that you think everything else is "melting down" when in fact it is operating exactly as it should.

posted on May, 28 2012 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by My_Reality

Mr Reality, I apologize if I offended you. I have one simple question that I want you to think about. What causes Mother nature to act they way she does. What triggers hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes. Think hard on this question. Something causes something else. Cause and effect.

The excuse that that is the way it has been and always will be is not seeing the cause . We are the cause. Our ignorance of the laws is the cause.

TPTB have been stripping us of our freedom for 50 or more years. Like a salami, slice by slice, yet we vote in a President who believes in the principles of Marxism. Marxism does not believe in free enterprise and the books that our own president wrote reveals exactly who he is and what he believes.

The universe is not chaotic, it only appears to be that way to the uneducated eye or it hasn't been discovered why some things appear chaotic.

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