I was flipping through the channels today, when I caught Will Smith on the Ellen Degeneres show. I wanted to see the clips from the new MIB III, so I
naturally left it. However, during the course of the interview, he casually tells a story about his son when they visited the Obama's at the White
House. As a parent, it made me laugh. As a believer and one who entertains conspiracies, I raised an eyebrow. It's all "ha ha, funny funny",
BUT....what the President said struck me hard, and here's why...
As a former Marine, I've known/know many people in all branches and have come into contact with people in all sorts of jobs. I met an Air Force man
once, whose job was to monitor space activity where the satellites fly around. Of course, I couldn't resist and said, "I bet you get a lot of
questions about UFO's, huh?" He smiled and said, "I cannot confirm nor deny, but I will say this....everything that is up there has been
identified." The "cannot confirm nor deny" part is what got me, because Obama said the same thing. But that's not all....
I ran into an old friend within the Air Force who...well, work(ed) in a high place, and I'll leave it at that. I asked him one day about what this
other guy told me, and he said, "Well, that's the standard response. To keep us completely out of the hot seat with questions, the truthful answer
is just that...we can neither confirm it or deny it." After more conversation, he basically said that many of them know of "things", but they're
not allowed to say, (not allowed to confirm), and they don't want to lie so they cannot truthfully deny it. At the end, he basically said that if it
weren't true, then it would just be flat out denial, but that isn't the case.
So there you have it...
The conversation about this topic starts at 3:30. Take a look...
Originally posted by SpearMint
He's clearly humouring the kid....
You know, that's the logical first impression, but that's not a responsible reply if it isn't true, given his authority and the fact that the story
would be talked about. Not only that, but considering all the other things I outlined, it's a standard response...one that I've personally heard a
few times before. Now, his DELIVERY may have been humoring the boy, but the information he gave was not untrue.
Anyway, like I said...tongue in cheek, but maybe not. I see a little more in it.
Originally posted by IMSAM
We have a thread about it here
Oh crud!! I didn't run a search because the show I posted was a new run. Well then, maybe there's something to this after all, since he's telling
the same story? The media does like to inundate us with the same soundbites over and over again.
Well, if the mods decide to delete, sorry about that. It is a new video source though.