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can we re-do our lives over again after we die?

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posted on Oct, 17 2019 @ 02:16 PM

Read the book by Dr. Michael Newton called Journey of Souls. That's proof enough. But let's take it further. Read the book The Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock. The multiverse continues to grow every time a life path decision is made. We have a microcosm within each of us. And a shared macrocosm out there. They are connected. Like a computer to the internet. There are many macrocosm of reality out there in time space. This is space time to us because you are in a body or biological space suit which is made to experience this physical world through its connected states of conscious awareness: physical to mental to emotional to the spirit, which stores the memories and they are accesible through feeling, the brain acts as the interpeter. When you die and leave the suit you retain all collected events and memories vividly.

If you are interested in reliving this from any point then do not resist the pull toward the light. You can if u want, but eventually you let it take you home to the spitit world or afterlife. There u will be able to do just this for any length of linear time because time isn't linear there. It's universal and all moments are always the present. You can use their etheral computers to relive the same life but with the knowledge you obtained through out that life. Make changes and study the outcomes of each change. This is really the one of the many primary functions of the after life. They want u to learn as much as u can about yourself. Don't worry if u had a bad life this time and don't want to relive it. It's not forced on you. You can just cleanse the pain and trama of this life and move on when u choose to. Meaning chose a new body, sex, available parents, and life contract or theme and come back when you feel ready.

There is no other afterlife christians. You are believe what u want and that is as it should be. But when you die if you read this and it stuck, you will then remember this when u arrive with your loved ones from other past lives and smile because there was no hell, and nothing to fear about death. It doesn't hurt to die. Each of you have died before, some many times. Unless you are a new born soul and this is your first time dying (one day) know you got nothing to worry about. When the soul knows the body is about to expire, it leaves moments before just outside the body and doesn't experience any pain. If u die instantly and suddenly, say you are crushed by a large object from above and didn't see it coming. You will be dead so quick there will be no pain either. Killing yourself is not a good idea. We all think about it. But If u do kill yourself, you are not going to hell.

There is no hell. Thats a indoctrination tool used to control people from getting the most out of life created by the temple of the sun religions that formulated Christianity and Catholicism and all religions. Paganism is closer to the truth than all of these denominations who claim their way is right and your wrong and u will burn if u do not follow. Thats what they did to 5 million women who practiced healing herbs and other what we would call life hacka today. Imagine a church capturing you and burning you or your mom at a stake because she used an app for a life hack. Pity on religions. Anyway, You will go back and get a lot more attention from your councilors as to what happened to make you chose this path, killing yourself. You will not be punished but will set up, when ready to incarnate again in a new body, and must take on the same problems. Basically repeat this life that makes you want to kill yourself. So if it sucks bad and you want to die, Let this inspire you.. one day you will go back and u can pick where and when u want to relive and see what choices can avoid what ever despair led u to wanting to kill yourself. And you can live it again and again. Till u get it right but not have to live out the entire life. Think of it as a simulation that time, when u get to that point. U will feel every thing there as u do right now. It's real.

That's what is cataloged in the multiverse of infinite possible freewill. If u have questions and want more info. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] and I will do my best to assist if I know whatever u may be wondering. I am often busy programming or learning new things, and experiencing life, and do not always answer right away but within a couple days to a week. I will do my best. Best to your imagination. We create what we imagine. Read the books I stated for proof. Look within for the best proof of all. Know thyself.


edit on 17-10-2019 by Replicant23 because: fixed a typo

edit on 17-10-2019 by Replicant23 because: fixed sentence structure

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