posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 01:21 PM
Same fear here!
I skipped the dentist for TOO long, and It costs a LOT more later, if you put it off.
Just had my Wisdoms removed as well..I feel SO much better..The bacteria load that your teeth carry can do a lot more damage than you think..
It's like having an infection that won't go away..They will also jump you your other teeth and start dissolving those as well.
It is now thought, that
this same bacteria, can take up residence around your heart, and cause problems MUCH worse..
The Phobia, as much as it bugs you, is a lot worse than just getting the work done. Really! It's in your head, as are your teeth. The dentist can
pull your teeth, but only YOU can remove the phobia..
Just think how much better you'll feel, no more headaches, toothaches.
Slurpees, coffee, whatever you like, won't bother you anymore!
Call around, if you have options to go to other dentists. Some are much better at dealing with your phobia..They will talk to you about it.
Get the gas!...they will numb your mouth, but, for me, the nitrous oxide made it seem like it was someone elses mouth they were working on..
And, last but not least...GOOD LUCK!
U2U me, if you have any other Q's!