posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:13 PM
I have decided to write something in the views of everything going on right now in my province and in my country. I know that sometimes the pen (in
this case the keyboard) is mightier than the sword. An Idea cannot be stopped as easily as a bullet. This is what I will try to pass over today: An
I do not claim to know everything but I am very good at making good calls just by seeing what is happening around me. I can tell you right now that
it is very scary. I am scared for humanity right now as the police state that I was trying so hard to make myself believe doesn’t exist, is in fact
in my face right now
Now when we speak we do not often let go and say exactly what is on our minds. By fear of ridicule or because of what others may think and what may
happen because of it. But I want to start a new page today and I want people to understand what is up.
First off, every government in the world is bent. This is just the way it is. There is no way around this.
Second the worlds elites do in fact control the strings of policy and government out of money. The tool of their control is money. This is how they
keep everything working perfectly in cahoots’ with business, people etc etc.
Third, the money is made from nothing. It is printed at the federal reserve. It is sold to our governments at 1 dollar 25 cents for each dollar
So no matter how much money is printed, we always owe 25 cents for each dollar in circulation. There is never going to be enough money that exists to
pay off interest…. Never.
We always owe more than exists. No matter what.
In the past the bilderberg group (secret elite) has met in secrecy with every major player of every major industry executives in every major country.
This has also led to policy that goes against the human race. It has decided what parties will go into power, what industries will fail and which ones
will float. The financiers backing the bilderbergs are of the most powerful in the world. Whatever direction they decide to take the human race that
is the direction it will go.
Now they are behind everything conspiracy entangled since a very long time ago. One of their goals is to maintain humanity below 500 million. This
was to be done to us with forced vaccination at one point, with weather warfare, destroying our food supply, destroying the means by how the
population survives, and so on and so forth.
This is not a conspiracy… the facts are available to everyone keen enough to search for them. It is even in the newspapers of some countries. Check
them out.
Now in my country right now, we are very close to a civil war in the city of Montreal. The laws that were voted in by the prime minister of the
province (yes I live in Canada) allow for police brutality and mass beatings without the need for explainaton; If an assembly is deemed “illegal”
by whatever police officer for whatever reasons (cause now if you are to assemble more than 10 people you need to provide this information 7 hours
before with the trajectory and also the names of the people )
Now let us suppose that you do in fact send them “the trajectory” and “plan” of what you are to do and that they decide all of a sudden that
they want to attack you. Well in said amended law there is nothing legally wrong with it. As long as they “portray” an image of being
“attacked” then they can go and do whatever they please.
Yesterday such an event did in fact happen in Montreal.
In one of a bar. The police came in an gassed everyone at point blank range. Other videos show the police being as verbally violent as the protestors.
Showing no such control, or even slight professionalism and restraint, towards the crowd .
From what I have read and saw they immediately engage the peaceful protest and began beating everyone over the head.
It was a massacre. (and I hate using this term cause no one died. But the freedom; our people once had, has died)
People were imprisoned for having a peaceful protest. They decided at 6:30 PM that it was unlawful, surrounded the people and attacked them without
provocation..... This is very bad.... Even further they went to attack people in a bar at point blank range causing a lot of damage and a lot of
injuries, to people that were just having a quiet beer, not even interfering.
Do you know that this started off as a protest against the growing cost of scolarity? At some point the public opinion was against the kids that were
fighting. Even right now there are a lot of angry people. The discussion I always hear is that some of the kids complain about a 200 bucks increase
in the price of school, while they have IPHONEs, dr Dre BEATS headphones, and hang out at sushi bars.
But people are so angry with everything and everyone they don’t stop to consider scope.
If you are going to judge a group, make sure you have the complete scope of the group before saying something.
In this case maybe 10% of the kids are like this. it’s like saying that all teenagers are drunken drug addicts.
Its not true, not even by a long shot.
That is just an opinion and relates to no way to the truth at hand.
The truth at hand is that our economy, no matter where you are at in your life, is squeezing you off. The policies that are made into law come from
this group that wants to turn the human race against each other. And right now you are doing exactly that… By judging your fellow man or woman. Now
maybe if your making more than average and made good choices in your life then everything is OK. But if you like everyone else, life just happens and
we all make mistakes we try to recover from. It is not fair that money should dictate the worth of an individual. Because that is what happens; when
you make the call of judging those who might be in a different part of life then you are:
You make them small, out of place, angry, out of your league and most likely an enemy. And for what? for a road he took left where you took right?
Now before this goes too far out of context, I want you to know about what is going to happen next. I know a lot of you have read about every
conspiracy story out there. And I know that some people already know more than I do. (by all means inform the people where I am wrong in this) But we
are all headed for a civil war of epic proportions.
This is what is happening; intelligence groups and governments are starting civil unrest to cause reason to imprison people. This is what the FEMA
CAMPS are for. They are going to try and reduce the world population. They are going to do this In the same way hitler managed to do that. With
concentration camps, war, conquests and such. They are building up nations against each other trying to make enemies. They are conditioning us to
violence and bloodshed. They are all arming themselves all over the world. They are creating famine so that people will join their armies. So that
people will build their weapons. We are going to anahilate each other, they will profit from it and then at the end, be the ones looking back without
a scratch.
This is how they are going to do it:
(continue on next post)