posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 12:32 AM
I hope thats a joke D......oi vie.
That said, in a moment...a few minutes of frustration, I thought about the same thing.
After all didnt Pakistan test thier nukes inside a mountain.
Set up several Regiments in camps along the Afghan mountain lines. Evacuate civilians (very carefully screening).
Come up with a covert cover story. The always make the press with everything else!.......drilling for water.....drilling to lodge super sensitive
sensors (hey why not their beleiving in the 1960s UAV concepts again, why not ground sensors).
If AQ and the Taliban want to bash thier heads against the bases let them.
Have engineers at these base camps slant drill shafts into these wholes to a point I dont know...under thier peaks. Then pump some small nukes down
to the bottom seal them up and blow when ready.
My thought was the memory of the Pakistani tests. The whole mountain jumped. That must have collapsed every cave in the mountain system.
And wouldnt it do the same to the AQ and Taliban hideouts?
But this is ugly science fiction. What about the underground water supplies in the area, making a region unlivable for centuries. Or messing up fault
lines. Thats what the mountains are big fault lines and plates I think. Never mind just getting a few thousands insurgents, we'd be FU everything for
millions of innocent people to get a couple of thousand nut jobs.
We would deserve to be nuked back for that as far as I'm concerned.
I hope you were joking.