posted on May, 24 2012 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by CodyOutlaw
Im in agreement with this idea....that the OP was unafraid until he saw the others the most important aspect of the dream.
To the OP:
In this dream, you Chose to meditate and have your eyes closed and covered by your hands. Then there were two external prompts, one being the
"concentration" you felt at which point you opened up your eyes, the second prompt being the scared reactions others around you were having.
I think this relates to a real world lesson about how to control your emotions. Don't do groupthink...its a very animal instinct to run when all
others around you are running. And just cause there are others fearing something doesn't necessarily mean you need to feel that fear as well. Your
emotions are your own! to use as you see fit to your benefit.( and hopefully to the benefit of others as well.)
Unlike the views some others have expressed, Dreams are not worthless. Especially not if they create a strong emotional reaction in you. Are your
emotions worthless too? I think not. Emotions and dreams have value, its up to you to assign them that value and to use your dreams and your and
emotions to your benefit.
On a side note, this dream suggests you're an empathetic person, not just in a common sense of the word but that you may be suseptible to
automatically adopting the emotions of those around you, when your own way of feeling is in opposition to those others. Learn to distinguish your
emotions from the emotions of others, maybe the lesson of the dream.