posted on May, 21 2012 @ 07:03 PM
I am one of the last people that I would have expected to be posting this right now, but I'm going to give it a shot. I have been debating on
whether or not I should even try to get the opinion of ATS, since there seems to be so many haters, but I gotta know now. I want to preface this by
saying that I normally do not believe in the paranormal and am not religious.
Someone very close to me was diagnosed with cancer at the beginning of 2011. It devistated our entire family as she was the "rock" in the family.
She went through chemo and surgery and all the other standard cancer treatments, none of which worked.
It was very sad seeing her like this, and being a very religious person, she still had a great attitude and was stronger than most of the other family
Her house was where the entire family met up for holidays, and Thanksgiving 2011 was no exception. We again were supposed to go to her house for
Christmas, but on Christmas Eve she was admitted into the hospital once again.
Luckily, I was in the town of the hospital where she was admitted, and was able to see her that evening. She was in good spirits, but said that she
didn't want to deal with the pain anymore. After seeing her like this I couldn't even imagine life without her. She had esentially raised me, and
always been there for me. She had little money, but always made everyone in the family a present and a card for every occasion.
She was sent home from the hospital on December 30 2011. I went to visit her the next day (New Years Eve). She was so drugged up that she was unable
to talk, but she did acknowledge that she new I was there by squeezing my hand. I stayed with her for only three hours that day, and before I left I
said my goodbye. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do, and she was really the first person that I have been close to that has
passed away. While saying my goodbyes, I asked her to come visit me when she passed. As I stated earlier, I don't normally give in to this type of
behavior, but at that point I would try anything.
When I returned home after a two hour drive, I proceeded to loose it emotionally. I finally gave up and fell asleep at around 9:00pm. During the
time I was sleeping, I felt an amazing sense of calm, and peacefulness, and saw a very bright white light ......extremely bright. I then awoke to the
sound of my phone ringing, and I already knew what the person on the other end was going to say......she was gone. I was still so calm, and peaceful
when the person told me, they asked if I could hear them because they were expecting a completely different reaction from me, as they new my
relationship with her. It was an surreal experience, and I have never had anything like it before or since.
Now I am faced with the dilemma of whether or not this is a sign of something paranormal or if it is just the human brain coping with the stress of
the whole situation. The cynical side of me says it was just a coping mechanism, but the other side of me says she came and visited.
Any insight would be much appreciated.