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Do you think people from the government come on here?

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posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 03:00 AM
The United States Government has no need to monitor forum sites such as ATS. The average member doesn't present reliable or strong evidence when making a statement nor does the average member have a great deal of knowledge in reference that which they are discussing. From what I have seen, as of yet, it appears any truth which may exist is far from being posted for the general public to view, atleast not here.

Quite simply, any alleged ongoing conspiracy would never be discovered. It is also unlikely a discontinued conspiracy would be discovered. A person would have to actually be employed and trusted by the conspirators to gain access to any information, and even then the information would be limited. An example, a soldier is given a "secret" security clearance and is ordered to guard a hanger where he frequently witnesses large aircraft depart and return which seems to defy gravity. He doesn't know anything, but he knows alot at the same time. It is doubtful he will tell anyone who he doesn't know what he has seen, and even if he does, what he has said mean little.

The government doesn't fear the public, it fears its secrets. Its secrets are well kept, no lower level personel have any incriminating evidence so they may say whatever they like, their words cannot be proven as factual and thus causes people to continue being skeptic or continue to be ill-informed.

Each time you make a post, you are posting for Uncle Sam. You are furthering thier cause and doing their work for them. They don't have to debunk or make threads or make people disappear(usually atleast) because enthusists such as us either do the debunking for them or pass along their disinformation or provide too little evidence to be considered plausible. But then again, maybe it's the agents who are debunking everything and saying things but not showing evidece, pretending they don't know what they are talking about and whatnot.

Right so I doubt any Agents are actively messing with ATS, atleast not routinely, but I have been known to be wrong. Just remember: The truth isn't out there. It's all around you, below the ground, in the air, standing right next to you, hiding in your closet and laying in the oceans. The truth isn't hidden, you see it everyday, you just don't know it. It's the biggest secret there is and it's hidden in plain view.


[edit on 10/2/2004 by SkyFox2]

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 03:09 AM
From SkepticOverlord's post regarding traffic yesterday: Quite a few folks from government eh?

And finally, we continue to be an interesting destination for users "in the know" as we've experienced the following session activity from these domains: - 4,758 sessions - 3,661 sessions - 1,979 sessions - 1,813 sessions (someone got a memo, that's 1/2 the norm!)

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by SkyFox2

Just remember: The truth isn't out there. It's all around you, below the ground, in the air, standing right next to you, hiding in your closet and laying in the oceans. The truth isn't hidden, you see it everyday, you just don't know it. It's the biggest secret there is and it's hidden in plain view.


[edit on 10/2/2004 by SkyFox2]

so what is the truth?

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 07:11 AM

their words cannot be proven as factual and thus causes people to continue being skeptic or continue to be ill-informed

what about when a overwhelming majority of indivuduals make plausible claims that logically outweigh any and all government statements? to put it simply we have outsmarted them on several occasion. immposible for them to hide certain revalations that we make, they rely on the concealment of factual evidence. common sense and an open mind are wonderful things, if there is but a single secret we can make known then it will all be worth it, to say that we have not disclosed any secrets is to embrace ignorance. to partake in the steady stream of sophistication aparent in todays internet is imperative. as i have said before, we havean intriquet puzzle laid out in front of us. peicing it together is an indivual task, that no government authority can prevent. knowledge spreads through the net like wildfire, let it be known there is no escaping the truth! ignorance will cease to be... have a good day

[edit on 2-10-2004 by sturod84]

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 07:27 AM

when I count to will return to your sonombulist reality..


posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 07:30 AM
This kind of thread always pops up every now and then...

As Byrd mentioned,

1. We have members employed by many government agencies/contractors.
2. The staff won't divulge such info, it's up to the member.

And I'll add...

3. They're people too, same rights, etc.
4. Many actually do identify who they work for from time to time.

Hope that helps....

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by intrepid
Chill man. My guess would be USPS.

Thank you intrepid, all meant in good fun.

Of course, you know your right as well. Through rain, sleet, or snow, hell, even anthrax nowadays.......

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Byrd

Originally posted by Cassandra
Care to share which "government agencies/contractors,etc."?

Nope. If they want to identify themselves and their employer, they can.

If that sounds tacky, consider this: would YOU want us giving out what information we can about YOU? Most folks would say "Hey! No way!"

I suppose it depends on exactly what information you are able to give out about me.

But since you brought it up...what information would you be able to provide/post if you so chose? I am curious, but also believe it is important that all readers know. I would have assumed that a forum owner/moderator etc., would simply have my IP (if that's the right usage of the term--my knowledge of computers is limited.)

Now of course, I do understand that, from the IP (?), someone with the right databases could identify a specific person, address, workplace, etc.,...but my question is: Can any moderator on a general discussion forum (or anyone on the internet for that matter) actually find out exactly who I am just from the IP (without having special access databases, hacker skills, etc.) ?

If so, please share that information. I know that I, for one, would be much more careful about diving into message board discussions if I knew that that made my personal info available.

Also, I did not find your answer "tacky" at all. No one should ask for personal information about specific members.

But that's not what I did. It's something I wouldn't do. However, with the growth of this forum I can understand how you may have been so busy that you missed it.

I asked for the names ONLY of any government agencies/contractors...and specifically NOT for the individual members.

I apologize if you thought I was asking for someone to link a member with an agency. Here's how it played out:

Originally posted by Cassandra

Originally posted by Gazrok

Do you think people from the government come on here?

NO. We KNOW they are...

think it should be the adminstrations job to locate any government agents posting on here. they are not welcome here, and should be banned.

Not at all, some of our most contributing members work for government agencies/contractors, etc. Not to mention, such a search would be futile. If such an agent wished, all they'd have to do is go to the library and post or post from home....
No spy gadgets required..... We DO however, crack down on those SAYING they work for such an agency if in fact they do this violates the Terms of the site.


Care to share which "government agencies/contractors,etc."?

Note please that I am not asking that members be identified....just the agencies/contractors that employ "some of our most contributing members".

Thanks in advance.


Originally posted by Gazrok
CIA, DIA, MoD, FBI, FEMA, NASA, nearly ALL branches of service, foreign armed services, Boeing, Northrop, Lockheed, Sikorsky, etc. just to name a few off the top of my head....

Note, not all of those mentioned are CURRENTLY represented, and those are just the ones I've known of in the past and currently. Others (myself included) have close relatives in such agencies/contractors, etc. as well. In my case, my father works for Lockheed, on the Raptor, in GA.

Of course, such posters, and (working) family of such posters, are often bound by a Secrecy Agreement (one I've signed myself for other reasons which I won't go into on this thread, but it's nothing particularly interesting) that if broken, can lead to stiff fines, imprisonment, both, even the death penalty if "treason" is you aren't going to get anything that compromises security or the agreement.

However, that doesn't mean hints and tidbits haven't come out of it... But, just like everything else, it's up to the individual to separate the wheat from the chaff....

As for them "watching the boards", I'd bet good money they use a filter program to scour the web looking for "hotwords". No doubt, ATS will come up often on these, and it wouldn't surprise me if we had our own dedicated "watcher", wouldn't THAT be the job, hehe...

[edit on 1-10-2004 by Gazrok]

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Cassandra

Originally posted by Byrd

Originally posted by Cassandra
Care to share which "government agencies/contractors,etc."?

Nope. If they want to identify themselves and their employer, they can.

If that sounds tacky, consider this: would YOU want us giving out what information we can about YOU? Most folks would say "Hey! No way!"

I suppose it depends on exactly what information you are able to give out about me.

But since you brought it up...what information would you be able to provide/post if you so chose? I am curious, but also believe it is important that all readers know. I would have assumed that a forum owner/moderator etc., would simply have my IP (if that's the right usage of the term--my knowledge of computers is limited.)

Now of course, I do understand that, from the IP (?), someone with the right databases could identify a specific person, address, workplace, etc.,...but my question is: Can any moderator on a general discussion forum (or anyone on the internet for that matter) actually find out exactly who I am just from the IP (without having special access databases, hacker skills, etc.) ?

If so, please share that information. I know that I, for one, would be much more careful about diving into message board discussions if I knew that that made my personal info available.

Also, I did not find your answer "tacky" at all. No one should ask for personal information about specific members.

But that's not what I did. It's something I wouldn't do. However, with the growth of this forum I can understand how you may have been so busy that you missed it.

I asked for the names ONLY of any government agencies/contractors...and specifically NOT for the individual members.

I apologize if you thought I was asking for someone to link a member with an agency. Here's how it played out:

Originally posted by Cassandra

Originally posted by Gazrok

Do you think people from the government come on here?

NO. We KNOW they are...

think it should be the adminstrations job to locate any government agents posting on here. they are not welcome here, and should be banned.

Not at all, some of our most contributing members work for government agencies/contractors, etc. Not to mention, such a search would be futile. If such an agent wished, all they'd have to do is go to the library and post or post from home....
No spy gadgets required..... We DO however, crack down on those SAYING they work for such an agency if in fact they do this violates the Terms of the site.


Care to share which "government agencies/contractors,etc."?

Note please that I am not asking that members be identified....just the agencies/contractors that employ "some of our most contributing members".

Thanks in advance.


Originally posted by Gazrok
CIA, DIA, MoD, FBI, FEMA, NASA, nearly ALL branches of service, foreign armed services, Boeing, Northrop, Lockheed, Sikorsky, etc. just to name a few off the top of my head....

Note, not all of those mentioned are CURRENTLY represented, and those are just the ones I've known of in the past and currently. Others (myself included) have close relatives in such agencies/contractors, etc. as well. In my case, my father works for Lockheed, on the Raptor, in GA.

Of course, such posters, and (working) family of such posters, are often bound by a Secrecy Agreement (one I've signed myself for other reasons which I won't go into on this thread, but it's nothing particularly interesting) that if broken, can lead to stiff fines, imprisonment, both, even the death penalty if "treason" is you aren't going to get anything that compromises security or the agreement.

However, that doesn't mean hints and tidbits haven't come out of it... But, just like everything else, it's up to the individual to separate the wheat from the chaff....

As for them "watching the boards", I'd bet good money they use a filter program to scour the web looking for "hotwords". No doubt, ATS will come up often on these, and it wouldn't surprise me if we had our own dedicated "watcher", wouldn't THAT be the job, hehe...

[edit on 1-10-2004 by Gazrok]

If you look at the terms and conditions it states that all info held by ATS will be given to the authorities.So your IP and E-Mail address would be given.Also govt keeps it`s abillities to snoop on people a Secret due to the fact if you no there methods you can then put up defeances to counter them.So your question would be speculative as disscussion boards such as these are not the safest places to make your political views or disclose sensitive factual material.Kinda makes you wonder what the point of this site is.

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