posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 03:57 AM
Quite frankly I DETEST Art Bell as a "person"
As a show host, he was definitely good, and gave C2C a different "feel" than Noory does. But I don't think one is better than the other, just
I do, however, think that the GUESTS that Bell had on were overall better than Noory. Noory has far too man new ager type folks on. And in addition to
this, he generally agrees with anything and everything a guest says. I understand not trying to offend your guest or be standoffish, but he could just
approach guests from a perspective of learning and listening, instead of agreeing and condoning like he does.
Not only does he go overboard agreeing with the guests, but he does so even to the point of being contradictory with them. He'll agree with one guest
who says something crazy and out there, and then he'll agree with a different guest on something else crazy that completely contradicts what the
previous guest says.
So yeah, lol, maybe I do like Art Bell as a host more than Noory. But as a person I still can't stand him.