It seems to me that a lot of people don't understand that something is going on in NATURE! Meaning, this is a regular occurrence, this shift is meant
to happen, Everything rotates in the galaxy, Which means this shift has happened before and it's happening again. It's the cycle.
The problem now is that people are having a real hard time overstanding that as humans on this planet we are apart of nature! A very terrible thing
has happened to us. We've lost our way. We hardly even know where our food comes from anymore. We are like pets. You have to watch what you eat, get
the greens inside of you. I know you meat lovers out here can't put down the meat, but the meat is no good. You've seen Food Inc. Super Size Me, etc.
When you look at it like this, when you feed the animals you eat bad food, treat them in bad conditions, and make them have terrible deaths, you will
only end up with bad meat. Don't get it yet? It's poison. You are what you eat. Eat a sick animal, you will be sick.
Just an example, it doesn't happen as fast like that since it is a cartoon. But overstand. You ARE what you EAT!
Nature is the only way. We are coming out of an Ice Age, believe it or not. I lived in Toronto my whole life, and every year except the past 3 have
been Cold, Dead, Winters. It started getting warmer exponentially. The earth is getting hotter. We know this.
Aliens have taken over this world, Taken humans away from nature, and made us look outside ourselves for everything! Every little thing, we look
outside ourselves. Think about it. Animals know what they are suppose to do, because the answers are in their DNA, they start from within. Why are we
being taught everything we are suppose to do. The universe is inside of us all. Once the Aliens from Draco, kill our DNA we will be nothing but
These grey aliens are trying to escape but they can't their stuck in the 3D, we are 4D beings, trapping ourselves in the 3D. The Vatican and these ETs
are all beasts! They are the devils, cause everything they do is against nature. They're against us! We are nature. This is why I say stop eating
these meats, eat more of these veggies, grow some in your back yards. Eating right will help you and your DNA. Get the melanin inside of you
People say that they tell you everything in Movies, well explain this movie.
It's about a grey Alien who is on the run from the government, and meets two british men visiting an ET convention. The truth is, these grey aliens
are EVIL, they can't feel nothing, they care nothing for nature. And they are trying to leave, so of course these greys will try to indoctrinate you
into believe they are friendly, help them before we get hurt. They're is a seen in the movie that says he created all the movies, we see in hollywood.
What he really created was history. History, His Story, get it? Prehistory, Pre-His-Story. Why do you think the farthest date recorded is about 3000
BC I think, and then everything before that is Pre-His-Story. These draco's been controlling the show for 6000 years, and his time is up!
He's doing everything he can to kill us, all the food we eat is poison, you guys know this yourselves, yet you choose to eat it. Any fruit with a seed
in it is safe. Mother Nature provided these fruits and veg for us, we aren't suppose to eat meat, because in nature Carnivores eat their meat RAW, so
they get all the nutrients from it. We can't eat raw meat, we'll get sick. We have to cook the meat because we are domesticated meat eaters. Meat is
only ok in proportion like once or twice a week.
I'ma wrap it up.
We are moving into the Sun Cycle, there is going to be a shift. Eat Right, Stay away from the television, STOP worrying about stuff that has no affect
on your BEING, get in tune with nature, go outside and play with your children, start looking inside yourself for the answers. And stop worrying about
these UFO's for god sakes. I used to research and find new info on them too, but whether I liked it or not. The videos were all the same, we debunk
EVERYTHING! So, until we see one in real life, we can't be worried about them.
Stay with Nature, the only thing that seems to make sense.
edit on 19-5-2012 by NewerBeing because: (no reason given)
edit on 19-5-2012 by NewerBeing because: (no reason
edit on 19-5-2012 by NewerBeing because: (no reason given)
I know where my food comes from!! It comes from the garden out by the barn The cows eat it too, then we eat the cows! ...I'm not gonna talk
about eggs, it makes me very sad... bein a chiten and all...
edit on 19-5-2012 by PurpleChiten because: (no reason given)
I tried to be a vegetarian once, but lost too much weight. I started filling weak, ill, low energy, and became sick all the time. I started eating
meat again and felt a whole lot better. I know its sad that people need to kill animals to survive, but life isn't made to be fair. Our body are
designed to eat animal protein. Every vegetarian Ive met eventually becomes a carnivore again.
Hi NewerBeing, I agree with a lot of what you're saying. (we're neighbours lol, I'm about an hour away from Toronto).
I actually hate the whole "food chain" system and wonder if there can't be a better way. I watch a lot of nature documentaries, and cry when a
predator animal separates a baby from it's eat it. Apparently a LOT of mother animals will protect their young with their lives.....and
grieve the loss of a child.
I've always thought it was wrong that something has to die for something else to live.....and that humans can't communicate with animals, therefore
it's okay to eat them. (Wouldn't it be different if the cow or chicken cried "No!"?).
Just my two cents.....soon to increase to five cents once Canada eliminates the penny lol.
I find your continuous use of the word 'overstand' to be disturbing and makes it hard to take you seriously.
I am only able, with my limited intellect, to UNDERSTAND and possibly 'sidestand' your thread.
I just don't have the mental horsepower,time,nor inclination to 'Overstand' it.
edit on 29-5-2012 by Screwed because: (no reason
Nope, not really.
I am actually a few IQ points above being declared mentally retarded.
If ony I overstood what you were saying I would be able to engauge in a mutually beneficial
dialogue with you but alas, the best I can do is sidestand and even then, I am only pretentending to sidestand
7/8 of the time.