posted on May, 22 2012 @ 03:31 PM
The following is from my education and social observations:
First off, we need to bring in an evolutionary/biological view.
Men have unlimited amounts of sperm for they are continuously being produced while Women have a limited amount of eggs that are continuously lost with
each passing month. Now, imagine this scenario before modern man came to be. If a woman becomes pregnant by a certain male, she is out of the mating
game for 9 months. That same male that impregnated the first woman can now move on and spread his DNA with as many other females as his phenotype
allows. With this being said, wouldn't you think a female would be more selective about which male she is to mate with? Even though the female is
pregnant, she doesn't want to be carrying "junk" DNA from a less than satisfactory male.
Now, how one guy (a playboy) can get with tons of woman even though he is considered a jerk, a-hole, heartless (insert word), etc, etc. Well, I've
observed two scenarios. 1) Seeing how a woman is naturally bred to be very selective of her mate, there can come the mentality "if they (other women)
all like him, he must be a must-have item and be a great (potential) mate"; thus, popularity is formed. If you are considered good looking to a
particular group or culture, this will tend to help with your popularity. 2) Guys who are considered adventurous, rebels, mischievous, etc are always
considered more desirable when a woman is ovulating. These men are considered better future fathers and more dependable relationship partners... Go
figure (
Source). If you look
around your work setting and/or travel deep into your old grade-school memories, I'm sure you can find an example or two.
Now regardless if you are a man or woman, if you are between the ages of 18-25 and do not have your life in full order yet, I suggest you "play" as
much as you can. If it is not you who breaks their heart, it will just be somebody else who does. If you are between the ages of 22-120 who has their
life in full order or is close to having some sort of stable career, drop the games and actually try to find a suitable partner whether you believe in
monogamy or polygamy.