posted on May, 19 2012 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by mainidh
Well expressed, Mainish , Personally, I would like to see Facebook forcibly shut down. This won.t happen of course. The flotation represents the greed
of the capitalist system at it,s worst , value out of nothing !. I,m going to get some flak for this, but it,s for shallow, impressionable,
narcissistic, egotistical ( That enough ? ) people for whom walking around clutching a mobile phone. ( In case one of their equally shallow "
friends " needs to contact them... ) isn,t enough.
At the very least, trashy websites like Facebook are corrupting our youth, creating a dependency on this sort of rubbish. They need to get a life...
There,s a REAL world out there, where you can meet genuine, sincere people if they want to.....
OWW , wait for the flak....,
I suspect those who,ve bought Facebook shares may yet regret it. You can,t blame Mark Zuckerberg, he,s been clever enough to exploit the feckless and
gullible. Good for him....