posted on May, 21 2012 @ 01:22 AM
i have to say i like the spirit, the passion, the enthusiasm, OP
and i'm sure that we agree on a great many things that must be done...
but now i am going to do something i have literally never done and speak against the revolution.
i was in on OWS from the ground floor, thanks to good ol' ats.
for the first months i literally ate and drank ows
i would stay up all night following threads and then spend my sleep-deprived days explaining it to people
and the major thing i noticed is that Perth is not ready.
it broke my heart but it is true.
sure, everyone knows the government is evil but they've known that all along.
just like they see the horror stories scrolling on their tv screens every night, but it's always been like that.
our social and economic problems are nowhere near as dire as... well, pretty much anywhere.
people are complacent and until that changes we will get absolutely nowhere.
if you were there when our 'occupation' 'started' you will know all too well what i am trying to describe.
kids more interested in face paint and gay rights than even hearing what occupy is about ["we'll just shoot all the cops, then we'll win"], old
hippies dragging in old vendettas and pet causes [i understand the aboriginal rights thing, for example, but since we're fighting for ALL of our
rights, are they not a subset of that to start with? why must we muddy the waters with nuclear embargoes and vegan signups?], "organisers" literally
drawing up shifts for who will wave signs and when, and attempting to enforce them, idiots with megaphones amplifying their own flatulence all
afternoon.... when the crowd is only 20 strong, these things stand out.
then add into the mix that most of the people who would stop were just bogans there for a laugh
i was hoping beyond hope that it would work out but it didn't.
people are just so self-involved and insulated. they need to be touched by it personally before they will react.
i'm just scared that by the time that happens here it will be far too late.
i guess i am trying to say that i am totally 100% onboard, but until people stop laughing in my face every time i mention the failing world economy, i
don't think i'll be ready to commit to new names and new faces because it will just be new failures.