posted on May, 21 2012 @ 10:29 PM
First time poster here but I have been doing a lot of research the past few months and did notice a few things through out my research.
The first thing I noticed was that Berkshire Hathaway owns a pretty piece of Disney. Buffett also owns some General Electric shares and with Bill
Gates' Microsoft NBC channel MSNBC I'd say Democrats Buffett and Gates have a pretty big voice about what goes on with all the Disney and NBC
channels. Buffett and Gates control CNBC which a lot of investors use for their financial news. They also control Moody's Corporation who controls
the credit ratings of the companies. I'd say Gates and Buffett together control quite a bit of the stock market and mainstream media. Also, Buffett
is pushing many of the wealthy to donate their wealth to the Gates Foundation upon death to avoid taxes, I'm sure Gates promises to give back power
and money to the heirs but I do doubt it, and what better way for the government to encourage these donations, well a huge increase to the estate tax
of course!! Do some research into the Gates foundation and also look into Buffett's children who will assume control of his company upon his demise.
Buffett is busy buying up as many companies as he can and with his credit rating and media control I believe it is very well possible for him to
achieve this goal. Also, anyone else wonder why Facebook isn't doing so well? I wouldn't be surprised if Facebook was bought up in the next few
months or years by the likes of a Microsoft or Berkshire Hathaway connected company. Also, the Gates Foundation is the biggest donater and promoter
of birth control and abortions in the United States and abroad and the Gates Foundations' abortion efforts in Africa have killed more human beings
that all other causes of death combined. I believe Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are very big and deeply involved within this corporate state we are
getting into, they profit off of every single American in the United States and control quite a bit of them. Also, look into the Buffett owning the
Burlington Northern Sante Fe Railroad company, they transport the most energy products in America and control a chunk of energy prices, no wonder
Buffett is pushing Obama to not open the much more environmental and cost efficient keystone pipeline.
So, sorry for getting off on a tangent but I believe much of the immoral mainstream media is controlled by Warren Buffett and Bill Gates whose
business structure and interest completely destroy free market capitalism. Sorry for all the rambling but the more I research the deeper it seems
everything is more and more connected, such as the Bill Gates Monsanto connection. And don't forget that bill Gates father and Buffett's business
partner, Charlie Munger are both prominent lawyers who owned prominent law firms so now we know how they bypassed all the laws and built up other ones
the protect themselves. Microsoft controls the EU, they also hate Google and have hated them for a long time which is why the EU is investigating and
telling Goggle they need to start obeying the laws. I really think this is the Kansas City shuffle that is being pulled on us. Buffett and Gates and
their cronies seem to have quite a bit on control. What I've realized so far is that a small group of wealthy business men seem to be using all
means possible to force quite a bit of wealthy families into donating half of their wealth to the Gates' Foundation. Gates and Buffett together
control a hefty chunk of liberal progressive America as well as pop culture, commodities and finance, They truly are one of the more dangerous
corporate figures to watch as they come off as very well liked laid back descent people though they are anything but.