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How much more will you take ?

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posted on May, 18 2012 @ 04:18 PM
How much more will you take ? Is there a revolution around the corner maybe like 1603 - 1714 Britain?

I think we’d be ready to go with a revolution today as the way things are at the moment, The only thing is where dumbed down and artificially drugged via Frankenstein foods and hypnotic boxes blurring distractive images 24hrs a day . A couple of hundred years ago no chemtrails no exotic technology to warp our minds just a good dose of fear and starvation .
Sooner or later the human spirit within us all will gain momentum and gather together yet again to revolt against the few who as before believe they rule over the many , there all seeing equipment and there fear mongering masks of terror , all eventually wont succeed in blinding us from there agendas .
History will repeat its self again , They wont master us! they are us ! so hopefully we will learn one day live and let live! as life is to short.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 04:25 PM
Most of the youth generation has had enough. That is evident with occupy. Some older people are also starting to understand the world presented to them on the 5 o'clock news is fake.

It wont be long. Just in the past 3 years things has changed drastically. We will either die fighting on our feet, or live on our knees.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by thenthinkagain

I think the first step we need to take is to start getting together with groups of people, sitting down and discussing issues. We can't keep doing it online. It's obvious with how discussions can get way off topic and emotions can be hard to convey. Get groups of people together, talk about how we can improve life globally, how to start living globally and once the knowledge starts getting spread around then people are going to see that there needs to be a change.
Educate the people in group settings. Every do research on the topics and come up with ways to over come world hunger, world poverty, free energy, tap into Earth's natural resources, (ex: geothermal, sun, etc) Lies we're being told and discovering the truths behind them.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by thenthinkagain

Compared to the population of society as a whole, I truly believe only a small percentage of the people
could organize well enough to put a dent in what we would be up against.
We do have organized street gangs, State Militias, Religious cults that have compounds and weapons,
ex military, doomsdayers, preppers and probably some regular military, local, sheriff and state police
that would switch sides. The D.N.R. might be in.. and maybe some Border Patrol and Merchant Marines
although they are automatically regular military in times of war.
Oh ya there's also the lone gun toter.

But against the Armed Forces of the U.S.A & the U.N.(you know they will step in)?? I just don't think
we would last long.
Part of the population would slip into a panic mode. Another part would become vigilante out for
themselves. Part would try to run away and hide. Others would rape and pilfer.

Sorry to paint a picture of such a dismal scenario
but that is how I envision the out come
of an American Revolution in the 21st century.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by knoledgeispower

Hey I'm all for small groups working together and making plans. I'd like to do that.
I'm a survival prepper. My problem is I can't get those close to me to get serious.
Most agree things are going to get worse but they just carry on like things will kind of get
themselves prepared with little interest in what needs to be done.
These people are my friends and relatives. If I cant them to wake up who and where do I
find them.
Advertize? Like with fliers or some such?

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 05:40 PM

edit on 18-5-2012 by azureskys because: double post

reply to post by knoledgeispower

"Those who want to change the world need to start with a small garden"
- Voltaire
edit on 18-5-2012 by azureskys because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by thenthinkagain
Is there a revolution around the corner maybe like 1603 - 1714 Britain?

NO question about it, OWS is only the beginning of what is coming. Awesome subject but for me personally a very sad subject! Why? Because Iv'e seen where we are headed, many others have as well.

When OWS started I was like "YESSSS!!" because I was at the point where I had literally lost everything and basically given up on life completely. I was spending HOURS watching all of the live feeds and Captain Ray Lewis and SGT Shamar Thomas became my heros. I watched the videos of Sgt. Shamar Thomas and others and I wept and wept:

"Why are yall walking like there is a war going on, nobody has guns, no one has guns"

"Why are yall treating people like this, this is not war"
SGT Shamar Thomas

About 3 weeks into OWS I was ready to join the crowd until I remembered meeting a man in Fullerton CA who spoke only russian in 1993 and I remembered a vision he had:

"It will start with the world calling for 'peace, peace.' Then there will be an internal revolution in America, started by the COMMUNISTS. Some of the people will start fighting against the? government. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then from the oceans...attack! The Russians will bombard the nuclear missile silos in America. America will burn. This is Sodom and Gomorrah. In one day it will burn."
~ Dumitru Duduman

At that point I began to study literally nonstop EVERY day sometimes until 4 in the morning because I was GOING to find out WTF was really going on and by God I finally freeking did! THAT is what woke me up! I had been studying CT's for YEARS but until OWS happened I NEVER knew what was really going on.

After spending DAYS reading I came to the conclusion that the REAL terrorists are the ones behind the scenes manipulating ALL world events, including all of the revolutions and depressions that have been orchestrated throughout history. I had always believed that these were just random events.

After several weeks of reading and trying to warn some of those on the live feed channels without success I began to warn some family members who outright hung up the phone and/or ostracized me.

The evidence for OWS being part of the planned agenda was EVERYWHERE, and I was shocked because I didn't understand why so many were falling for this BS after happening over and OVER throughout history. The massive deception I see is SO sad! People are so BLINDED by this that I just want to shake them and say wake UP!

The Truthergirls have created a good video that exposes the obvious nefarious connections behind OWS:

To me the absolute saddest part about this whole thing is that people like SGT Shamar Thomas are being DECEIVED! I LOVE these people because they are fighting for what they believe is the TRUTH!

Petrus4 here on ATS seems to have a VERY good grasp on this situation:

Originally posted by petrus4
The Illuminati use revolution as a means of institutional theft, or the re-acquisition of property into their own hands. They tell everyone else that the purpose of revolution is to make the common man free, but that is not their real purpose with it. Their real purpose is for everyone else to lose what they own during the looting and chaos, and they end up getting hold of it in the process.

That is what they did during the Depression, and again in 2008. It's the reason why they deliberately engineer economic systems with structural flaws and weaknesses built in. Eventually they know that they are going to want to crash the system. They do it in waves, and every time they do it, they end up with more and more property, and everyone else with less.

Socialists (that is, people who advocate a genuinely non-psychopathic society, unlike
the Illuminati-fed bait and switch that Marx gave you) aren't going to start
winning, until you become willing to recognize who the
enemy really is . It's just like what I'm reading here, about Franco having won the
Spanish Civil War. He was supported by foreign powers; the Nazis, the Irish.

That is why the cabal keep winning; because they are internationalists. Any time you try
and initiate resistance to them in any one country, they bring multiple other countries
against you, to the point where you are numerically overwhelmed.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by azureskys
reply to post by knoledgeispower

Hey I'm all for small groups working together and making plans. I'd like to do that.
I'm a survival prepper. My problem is I can't get those close to me to get serious.
Most agree things are going to get worse but they just carry on like things will kind of get
themselves prepared with little interest in what needs to be done.
These people are my friends and relatives. If I cant them to wake up who and where do I
find them.
Advertize? Like with fliers or some such?

You need those who are close to you to actually do the research themselves. Each individual needs to see what is going on out there. This is where it becomes a little tricky and where I am stuck on. You can help them with finding the research, if you know good informative sites that have lots of information you can suggest them take a lot at it. Let them see how things are and then it will help motivate them to do something.
From there you can start advertising on like facebook or bulletin boards in coffee shops, a group that meets to discuss the issues we are faced with. With facebook, you can create a group & post what your main topics will be and for people to do their own research before they come to the meetings. wait until that generates enough interest for a small group to meet up one night. If you are doing it as a poster/flyer then have a site or a number that they can call and get the info. Then when you have gained enough interest set up a night to meet up as a group.
Well that's just my little idea of it. I haven't put it into action but I already have some topics to discuss and an idea of how to do it.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by thenthinkagain

2 more days

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by Murgatroid

That is why the cabal keep winning; because they are internationalists. Any time you try
and initiate resistance to them in any one country, they bring multiple other countries
against you, to the point where you are numerically overwhelmed.

The other big problem we face in having this revolt is that we need it to be globally. Everyone needs to become aware of what is going on and everybody as a whole needs to stand up against the war machine. We won't stand a chance unless we all unite around the world and demand a change.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by superluminal11
reply to post by thenthinkagain

2 more days

Whats up with that? I have been reading everywhere on the freeeekin' web about SOME kind of massive disaster happening on May 20 but this smiley thing just freaks me out... BTW superluminal11, yes this is directed at you

EDIT: This is WHY it freaked me out in case anyone is wonderin':

  1. Mega-earthquake alert for May 20, 2012
  2. Solar Eclipse May 20, 2012
  3. Solar Eclipse and The Begining of ARMAGEDDON - May 20, 2012
  4. Pre-Apocalyptic May 20 MegaQuake
  5. Nostradamus 10 May 2012 megaquake ?
  6. May 20th MegaQuake Syzygy

  7. Earthquake and Tsunami in the Italian Peninsula

    What does the bible code say: - ITALY - DEATH BY WAVE-MAY 20



(BTW: I planned a new thread for all these links but I have just been VERY sick)

PS: KILLER quote:

Originally posted by superluminal11
What if i was to tell you none of it was real......99% of everything.
and all the beliefs and thoughts associated with them

Goes perfect with my sig, you could see it go ZING right over their heads, how sad...
I guess SOMEONES gotta be sleep walkin' or we'd ALL be forkin nuts...

edit on 18-5-2012 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

I believe most of the stuff that's going down this year has to do with the sun. The sun is going through a stage in its life right now and Earth is being effected by it.
Our oceans have changed more in the last 30yrs then it has in at least a couple million years. source

With the Sun sending off more energy, our oceans have been heating up, because they are eating up they are releasing CO2 at a higher rate. source

Also it affects our weather. Our storms are going to be more intense this year. source

The Sun & the Earth both have their polarities changing right now.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by superluminal11
reply to post by thenthinkagain

2 more days

It has begun:

Powerful quake kills at least 3 in northern Italy

(AP) – 13 minutes ago

ROME (AP) — One of the strongest earthquakes to shake northern Italy rattled the region around Bologna early Sunday, a magnitude-6.0 temblor that killed at least three people, toppled some buildings and sent residents running into the streets, emergency services and news reports said. LINK

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