posted on May, 18 2012 @ 10:37 AM
This is a pretty good technology and the guy has done pretty well with his setup but I have a major issue with it, and that is that it takes a lot of
energy to hydrolyze water. He says solar panels will solve this issue but he hand-waves it away and doesn't get technical at all about just how many
solar panels you will need to power your vehicle. And that doesn't take into account how many more you would need to power your house. And if you
power the hydrolysis with energy from a natgas power plant, why not use the natural gas? If it ever makes economic sense to use hydrogen, people will
use hydrogen. It currently does not make economic sense, unfortunately.
Of course this forum hates nuclear reactors, but there is a different type of reactor (of which India is completing the first power plant designed
with this tech) called thorium breeder reactors. They use the element thorium which can be found in the soil all over the planet and are a hell of a
lot safer and cheaper than the uranium/plutonium monsters. Those were around to produce materiel for nukes, you know. Anyways, thorium is a good
source of energy which could contribute to our energy needs.