posted on May, 18 2012 @ 10:24 AM
Something strange has been going on because I live in Sydney and on two separate occasions in the past week I have witnessed some bizzare happenings
in the skies over Western Sydney of which there is no simple explanation for. I personally do not believe that there are little green men flying their
little tin spaceships south for the Australian winter but there is definitely things flying around which can certainly be described as
'unidentified'. I think that 'Unidentified Military Objects' would probably be the most logical and feasable description of this phenomonon.
On Monday morning at approxiately 7.00am I was getting into my car and I noticed an object which was coming from an easterly direction and it had
dissapeared off into the distance in the West in what would have been no more than 4-5 seconds. The best way I can description I can give would be
that in terms of height and size it was similar to what you see when you get a really clear and visisble pass of a large satellite, the ISS or shuttle
only this was in daylight, it was an off white/beige colour rather than bright light, and it moved accross a very wide field of view a lot faster than
any satelite I have ever seen.
The second bizzarre sighting happened on either Monday or Tuesday evening (can't remember exactly). I heard a helicopter coming and it sounded low so
I went out to the backyard to check it out. It had just gotten dark but it was still easy to see this black hawk which was cruising unusually slow
overhead. Usually when they fly over they are in a pack, moving fast and almost impossible to see against a night sky. This one was slow and had a
single red light flashing on its tail. I follwed around to my front yard where I have a clear view into the city and thats when I noticed what
appeared to be two dull green balls of light which were out approximately 100m in front of the black hawk. These green lights were cruising at
slightly different altitudes to each other with one flying slightly to the front left and the other front right of the Black Hawk.
I also noticed out in the distance towards the city that there appeared to be another two helicopters, flashing the single red tail light, which were
just hovering in an area which was the direct path of the approaching blackhawk with its green light friends.When they eventually arrived at the same
location they all turned and slowly headed in a southerly direction until they were out of sight.
It was all very weird indeed. Did anyone else see this?