posted on May, 17 2012 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by PhysicsAdept
So are you saying the media should focus on guy that barely gets 15% of the vote as if he got nearly 50%?
I think the real story is why hasn't a rabid internet following turned into more votes. If you did nothing but follow message boards and sites like
this, you would think he is sweeping every contest there is, but he isn't.
Is that the media's fault? Are you saying that every person who said vote Ron Paul, then goes out and does it, has had their vote negated or cast
aside or not counted? As a media person, that would be the story of a lifetime.
Maybe he is just not as popular IRL as he is on the internets, or popular with those under 18. I know I wanted to vote for him, but when you start
saying things like the civil rights act should be overturned, and things like abortion should be left to the states and not simply a woman and her
doctor, I have to take pause and wonder what I am voting for. Does that mean if a state's voters decide to re-enslave black or yellow or
non-Caucasian people we should just say, "Oh well isn't that state racist." And the constitution didn't outlaw slavery until after the 10th
amendment, and a lot of the southern states were FORCED to ratify that amendment so if I am to believe the RP hogwash I am hearing, that is illegal
and those states shouldn't be forced to follow that law. Yes I know, we all know slavery is wrong, but I wonder if a lot of rural southerners still
look at it that way.
Look, I am sorry your guy lost/couldn't even get 20% or the vote. It is what it is. But I resent most of you RP maniacs who say I am brainwashed or
the cause of the downfall of this great country because my thinking mind happens to like a candidate that isn't Ron Paul. You know, you catch more
bees with honey, and none of you RP supporters, I think, even knows what honey is.