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42% of GOP voters have nothing nice to say about Mitt Romney

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posted on May, 17 2012 @ 06:46 PM
Tea Party
I vote against long term incumbents anymore. If Our Congress will not limit their terms...I will.
Start with that concept and then maybe we can get rid of the Corporate lobbiests

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 07:53 PM
This is a sad, sad reality indeed. What's even worse is that when you try to explain how Obama and Romney are basically the same in terms of policy, people tend to just roll their eyes and then talk about how they love Obama/Romney and hate the other.

Since I basically come from one of the most liberal areas in CA, almost everyone is voting for Obama. They usually can't give me any solid reasons why (When asked about policy, they just say "I like what he does." without elaborating further). I've never met a Mitt Romney supporter, but there are quite a few Paul supporters.

Ignorance is bliss until you're up to your neck in s***. Wait a minute, didn't I hear S*** Romney was running for president? Not much longer until Mitt hits the fan.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by jibeho
reply to post by babybunnies

The same apathy that got Obama elected in 2008?? A candidate who at the time had ZERO relevant experience. Back then people could not explain why they would elect him. They just liked him and liked the idea of electing our nations first Black President. Everything else about the man was ignored or buried. A proper vetting would have eliminated him in the primary. Hands down. The nation was hell bent on a nation different from the Bush years. Hence the Hopey Changey thing... which fell flat on its face... and the same candidate is still bringing Bush up after nearly a full term of failures.

I wish voters from both sides would make just a little effort to educate themselves prior to voting. Research and learning It is as easy now as it is ever going to be. Most people would rather have their information spoon fed to them... Lazy...
edit on 17-5-2012 by jibeho because: add content and clarity

This is extremely untrue.
Obama's 04 campaign was the major instrument that got him elcted. Not his color or white ppl feeling guilty or whatever else you tell yourself at night. He debated better than anyone else and his speeches were well thought, uplifting and eloquent. Majority of Americans don;t read through the GOP National Enquirer known as Breitbart or WND. They do their research and they do listen to the candidates. ATS, or any partisan website or news outlet is not research. They do exist.

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