posted on May, 17 2012 @ 04:12 AM
Just a short little article I saw today that made me smile.
Apparently a guy put up a small post on Reddit about his uncle. His uncle is sadly terminally sick with liver disease and also suffers from Down
Syndrome. More than anything his uncle likes to receive and open mail. The guy just politely asked if anyone would be willing to send a letter or a
card... How did the Reddit forum junkies respond...? IN FORCE!
For the last month, the sick uncle has been receiving letters, cards, and all assortments of gifts from ALL over the world. We're talking boxes upon
boxes of letters! Some people even sent items that had personal meaning such as a lucky coin someone has been carrying around for 14 years.
With all the sick headlines rampant in the news these days, it's nice to see random people coming together to make a day easier for a person they have
never and will never meet.
edit on 5/17/2012 by Lorienth because: (no reason given)
edit on 5/17/2012 by Lorienth because: typo