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Originally posted by aeonminder
As both a graphic designer and a musician
In essence, what you're saying is that if you invented a new way to dig holes
Okay, so copyright law is necessary.
How do we stop it from being abused?
An individual should never have to set foot in any jail, anywhere for downloading a song.
Also, how do we determine the "worth" of the information released to the public so that wealth doesn't trump common sense or someones freedom, financial or otherwise?
If the market determines that worth, and nobody wants to buy it because it's available for download that would seem to hint at the fact that it isn't worth buying.
Copyright law is being abused, I say remove copyright law until you can get it right. The motivation for all copyright claims is greed, if you like it or not.
I don't think the government should facilitate greed.
Ah, I see what your saying. Basically, you need to feel better than me so you start with a "me" post, "Hi everybody on the internet I'm a < insert here > and you must be a < insert here > and that means I'm better than you because I just proclaimed that you dig holes and know nothing about copyright law".
By the way, I'm a USAF veteran and I even used to be a pilot (at age 16).
Originally posted by arollingstone
And wow, he didn't say you dig holes. I guess that metaphor went totally over your head.
Regardless, don't be laughing and thinking its a joke to make fun of people who get less fortunate jobs in society. These people are the backbone of how we live, so respect that.
You know, I'm still waiting for one thread...just one, on this forum...where someone can point out one of the ways in which government or corporations are screwing everyone, without having said thread immediately invaded by a group of aggressive, cowardly, brainwashed trolls, who act as apologists for the government or corporate position, and attack the OP for daring to be concerned about the public's wellbeing.
"How dare you? We love Big Brother!"
There are people in this thread who are nothing but quislings and traitors to humanity.
I think we need to keep this thread going. Despite the predictable onslaught of trolls, which has already occurred, I can remain hopeful that a few people are exposed to the article in the OP.
I want to comment again, in light of that, however, just what utter and complete traitors to humanity I consider many members of the American military in particular to be.
I have noticed that whenever any attention is drawn to, or resistance made against the myriad ways in which the corporate world are threatening the continued existence of life in general, it seems to be the troops, more than any other group, who will reflexively spew enraged, belligerent mind control in said corporations' defense, at anyone whose thinking dares deviate from official lines.
You are a disgrace, and you make me sick.
Their charter gave them not only exclusive right to print, but also the right to search out and confiscate unauthorized presses and books, and even to burn illegally printed books. No book could be printed until it was entered in the company's Register, and no work could be added to the Register until it had passed the crown's censor, or had been self-censored by the Stationers. The Company of Stationers became, in effect, the government's private, for-profit information police force [1].