Well, ME3 came out, and the game was 98% win
and then there was the last 15 minutes...no comment on that as it is a complex topic...
Mass Effect, The Movie
Is actually due to come out I believe this year (2012 (unconfirmed date))
First my view on the pros
The company behind this (Legendary) is actually a good company. They do some justice to movies they make, such as Watchman, 300, Inception, Titans
stuff, The Dark Knight, etc...basically they do good work
full list
So, the company is good. ok, great. Personally, I would prefer Peter Jackson to be directing it, as he would demand 3 hours just for 1 part of the
film...but I guess he was busy.
Second pro
If it is done well (chances are, as a stand alone movie, it will be awesome) then it may push the mass effect franchise to star trek level fandom (or
higher considering its a hell of a lot more trendy) Personally, I would prefer a HBO "game of thrones" style series verses a movie, but meh, what
do I know...still trying to talk pros here
By having a expanding fan base, it will ensure future titles of the franchise..and perhaps an expanded development base for faster turnout (this is
both a pro and a con however).
A movie? seriously? ok..sure...do a movie, but don't do it about an actual existing plotline that is already in a game..do a prequel! Nope...its
loosely based off the original Mass Effect (go get Saren)...no mention of reapers (how can they possibly tie all this in without reapers?!) And, even
if its a 12 hour movie, it will still be fluff to anyone whom has played the game.
Yes, I know...like books, games will always trump any movie adaptation...so its more of a "look and feel" verses a true experience, but still...your
taking an epic poem and reducing it to a catch phrase
I won't complain too much here. My expectations are soo low that I am hopeful it simply captures the essence enough to make people interested in the
franchise...if they try to do too much, it will however cheapen it.
Seth Green is not a shoe in for joker
ok, now if Legendary is even halfway sane, then yes, they will at least give this bone to the fans...and I can understand how they may not commit to
naming names yet, but the overall issue is casting here. Joker is oddly enough the most critical make or break part of this, and having anyone but
Seth play Joker would be a simple slap in the face to all the fans. Shep? meh..get that dude from Avatar..Frankly, I am fine if they just got Mark
Meer to play the role..Grow a bit of scruff and shave the head..sorted. you can custom make shep anyhow, so getting him spot on isn't critical, the
presence is more important, and Mark is an actual fan of the series, and a proper actor anyhow, so sure...
But ya...casting...my god, I hope they go with actual feel here verses trendy (However, Sookie could play a Krogan...)
With popularity comes fluff.
The worst case scenerio is they become victims of success..that soo many new lesser minds start buying the games after the movie, and find it all hard
and complicated, what with the decisions and such, and voice their complaints, making future titles progressively dumbed down and shot out like a
corporate machine verses an artistic vision.
Lord of the Rings had this issue...great book, good movies, and a series of horrible video games just to soak up any profits...most being made of fail
(I will admit a bit of love for the battle for middle earth games though).
Seth Green may not be joker
Just felt this is important enough to state twice!!!
Plot. The movie is going to be a success. A good space movie is always loved by the world. Star Wars, the latest Star Trek movie, etc..This is going
to blow the socks off of the space fans out there..but with no lead in, what will happen?
Here is what it says:
Will it be a trilogy?
We are really focused on making this a great movie, so we'll see where it takes us. We have to get the first one right to know whether there
will be more.
Although a sensible corporate view, that means there is no overarching cliffhangers or anything of the like planned (ahem...reapers...). So great...we
get some space soldier going after a single bad guy...no ring of power, no Mordor growing in strength, etc...nothing...we got a cop V a robber.
How can you make Mass Effect that stands on a single movie and get even the look/feel of Shepherd right without this massive threat bearing down on
the galaxy that is slow to wake up?!! I sense fail here..
I think Legendary is screwing up here...they need to plan on its success, and state it will be at least a 3 part movie (or more frankly)
Else your just doing sidequests!
Will there even be an illusive man?!
Anyhow, just my thoughts about it. I put this in the video games section because even though its a discussion about a movie, its based on a popular
video game franchise..so, not fully sure where it is to go.
Whats your hopes and concerns about it?!
(if they make a second one, I do hope they cast Tricia Helfer (BSG's Six (the hot blonde)) as EDI)
Legendary Entertainment's questions
Review discussion. Some incorrect
info(no comment on joker does not mean no