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Why is voting the only real choice we are entitle to as people ?

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posted on May, 15 2012 @ 10:27 AM
The only real choice we are allowed is voting into office someone who will make all our other choices for us.
Once in office all promises are null and void. The elected official will now make all moral and ethical decisions and dish out all rewarding and punishment as they see fit according to how they really think and feel.
The newly elected official now holds the power to make our decisions for us , because we do not have the intelligence to make our own decisions . The people are incompetent in developing as a race and therefore must be molded into the hopes and dreams of their new leaders because people are corrupt and will fail if not lead into evolving. Funny aren't our leaders also human ? Can't they fail ? Can not they be corrupt ?
Are we not capable of making our own choices and evolving as a race on our own ?

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by OLD HIPPY DUDE

They give you the Choice of voting to give you the False Sense of some control.

Vast Majority of idiots in the US , and ATS, believe it.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 10:34 AM
It isn't the only choice. We have the choice to remove this government from power and replace with another form of government that better suits our needs. Unfortunately, a significant number of us would have to agree to do so and be willing to take the necessary actions to bring about that change.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 10:51 AM
Real choice?

Some day you'll realize even voting is a rigged illusion.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 11:16 AM
Sure, let's hear your suggestion. Keep in mind that we need people to haul trash, build roads and maintain services, and work in the grocery store. And drive the trucks to deliver food that is grown/killed/harvested.

Slave race? Sounds great as long as you aren't a morlock.

Armed uprising? Okay, so you replace those dbags with, what, dbags of your choosing?

Or does everyone just kind of do their own thing? I know my own thing would definitely not be working at a crappy job I hate.

"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 11:26 AM
So as people did not our own complacency and apathy lead us here ?
That means that we must accept a subservient life to our elected leaders ?
Will not our apathy and subservient attitudes lead us into complete bondage ?

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 01:01 PM
Nope, but complaining about a thing doesn't change it. Get involved, run for office, be worth a vote.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 09:49 PM
Voting in America is TPTB's way of letting some of us get a nice warm & fuzzy every four years. A false feeling of "I voted and it mattered" ! No it did'nt.. I am 49 yrs old, I am allmost certain each & every Potus that's been in office since I was born . Was picked way before the election.

Our process, from start to finish is hopelessly flawed. From registration to actually voting is screwed up good.
Dead folks voting? Is this "The Voting Dead" convicted felons voting? Makes sense. Nothing about how we vote in America makes sense. I used to think that if you did'nt vote , you could'nt bitch about how it was going with the ones elected. Now I know it's matters not.

Corporate sponsers with un-limited money supplies, can purchase about any politician in any office, in any city, in any state in America. I think it's time to change my profession, I now want to be a politician ( ATTENTION CORP SPONSER WITH UN-LIMITED MONEY SUPPLY) I work cheap.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 09:54 PM
Voting is the very least any person can do to shape a nation. Every individual has immense power, and because the United States comes with not only a federal Constitution, but each state comes with their own Constitution that greatly restrains government from trampling upon the rights of any individual, people have the choice to nullify bogus legislation, people have the choice to ignore government and create their own realities. Of course, most have chosen to surrender their rights and then sit back and wonder why voting is the only real choice they are entile (sic) to...

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 09:59 PM
Many of us have been voting for over 200 years and look where it has gotten us.
There is Not One thing you can ever change by voting.
Once in the political loop most become rotten to the core.
Those who remain on our side are vilified, suicided, accidented, or jailed.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 10:07 PM
Yes, voting is important. Yes, it can also be useless. If all your involvement in politics is merely going in to vote, don't expect your vote to do much. Get involved, and don't back down.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by OLD HIPPY DUDE
Are we not capable of making our own choices and evolving as a race on our own ?

Can I evolve as a race on my own? Is that possible?

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 11:02 PM
Sadly it's hopeless. You're witnessing the progression towards our eventual demise as a free nation. Elections of anything meaningful are just theater for the masses.

Throughout human history, this tragic cycle has repeated itself many times has it not? Even the purest forms of government are eventually corrupted and subverted. We couldn't even make it a few hundred years with our "great experiment" this time around.

Let's hope we're fortunate enough to have people like the founding fathers around to create the next great government. Actually their ideas are still beautiful in their simplicity and effectiveness, if they were merely adhered to and fought for we wouldn't be in this mess.

I'm ashamed when I have to look children in the eye knowing I did so little to protect a better way of life for them.

posted on May, 18 2012 @ 10:29 AM
The two greatest powers americans have is voting and sitting on a jury and most see them as a inconvenience and a wasted effort. Am I wrong or is this apathy ? So we should all just admitt defeat ? Good answers people .
The fate of america is in the hands of quiters. So don't vote and don't cry about the results.

posted on May, 19 2012 @ 02:26 AM
The system doesn't work that well if you don't see much in the way of any mainline party representative of your own interests. Tiered voting would be a help, but I doubt it would be implemented.

In some ways, I'd like to see some positions of government office change from being voted upon. Imagine if part of the legislature was akin to having jury duty for a year. But with the pay and most perks representatives currently have. In some ways I think that would be much more representative of the people than rich lawyers and businessmen who decide their own interests trump those of the public. (Yet not lacking the ostentatiousness to say that their own interests are those of the public.

Also the public should get a way to petition to have bad laws repealed by a public forum vote. Thus bad laws wouldn't last too long if enough people could agree on it. It would keep certain interests from easily gaming the system of legislation in their favor as they do now with lobbying and revolving-door politics.

Yeah, you'd have idiots and the uninformed and uneducated deciding things, but in some ways that's not much of a change anyways.

edit on 19-5-2012 by pauljs75 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by OLD HIPPY DUDE
The two greatest powers americans have is voting and sitting on a jury and most see them as a inconvenience and a wasted effort. Am I wrong or is this apathy ? So we should all just admitt defeat ? Good answers people .
The fate of america is in the hands of quiters. So don't vote and don't cry about the results.

If you really believe important elections are left to chance or the whim of the people any more, I'm afraid you just don't understand the reality of our world and believe in the illusion that you still have some control.

There's a reason diebold "proofless" voting machines have been installed in key voting areas, there's a reason voter fraud nationwide largely goes unreported, the Ron Paul media debacle alone should clue you into how that whole game is cooridinated.

No one is "crying", we're just not interested in wasting our time in a rigged game anymore, revolutions still and always have worked for a reason, the government is preparing for that right in front of your eyes, ever ask why?

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 11:10 PM
I do not agree with the thought that we only get to vote the politicians in office who will then screw all of us. Voting in an election is a PETITE (small or minor) vote. You have two other votes that are much more important! Most important vote is a Grand Jury vote to indict a person based upon presentation of the law violated and the evedance supporting the charge. The second vote is a regular jury vote. BUT BOTH ARE VERY POWERFULL VOTES!! You as a juror on a grand jury or a regular jury are to consider both the LAW and EVEDANCE. Is the law applied properly? Does the evedance support the contention of the prosecutor? If you belive that the law is applied incorrectly, unjustly, or for any reason don't agree with the law and the facts, you vote NOT GUILTY. This is called "jury nullifacation". You judge the law as well as the facts. Example: a man steals a loaf of bread, FACT. Man is guilty of theft, FACT. You learn at the trial that he wanted to feed his kids because he was laid off of work and had no money, FACT. You find him not guilty because of the circumstances. Example: Man can't pay his federal tax because he was laid off. Here comes the IRS (you know this story!). Federal prosecutor says he is guilty of evasion and here is the evedance. BUT-you know how bad the tax system is, wasteful goverment, indifferent public servants (haha), and you find him NOT GUILTY because the laws are unfairly enforced. Imagine what the lying politicians would do if suddenly, no federal tax laws were being enforced! Imagine what the banksters woud do if the slaves no longer paid tribute! All laws can only be enforced IF you find the person charged GUILTY! Now I told that story so I could tell you this one. The 16th amendant to the constitution bringing into existance income taxes had to be voted upon and passed by a certian number of states BEFORE is could become the law of the land. Article 5 of the constutition lays out the method by which this may happen. There has been some contention over the years as to whether the rules were followed. What if the 16th amendment was void? What if EVERY trial over income tax was nullified by an INFORMED jury?

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