posted on May, 17 2012 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by Blaine91555
To address some of your concerns;
Did you miss the very first statement of the OP "Ok it's from the huff post, not my favorite source but still revealing." In researching this
topic I found 3 commentaries and the Huff post was the 'least tabloid' .
I do not consider the Huff post / Media matters blog to be it a 'political hit piece' but rather a valid response to a shot across the bow by a
dangerous agenda driven influential organization making our greedy (UN)representative puppets pay homage.
In my original research I scribbled a note HR568 instead of HRes568, thus my one negligent reference to it as being a bill.
My specific concerns with the resolution include;
Taken from the text of the resolution; "...preventing the Government of Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability". Would you care to define
'capability'. Without any degree of definition virtually all nations have such capability. Upon passage of the resolution will it suddenly be
determined that IRAN has already achieved this IL-defined 'capability' thus leaving no option other than war? The sentence should have ended, IMO,
without the word.
Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
(4) affirms that it is a vital national interest of the United States to prevent the Government of Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons
A vital national interest! Would you care to explain that?
There are currently 339 co-sponsors. Try to convince me that many/most are not on board in expectation of campaign funding or endorsement from AIPAC.
I hope to make an analysis of both the text and the composition of the co-sponsors after the vote but to date have only noted that neither Ron nor
Rand Paul are among the co-sponsors.
I too am saddened by Obama's many failures but I consider among his largest to be doing virtually nothing to reduce class warfare.
I find it very disheartening that you consider a blog/story about this resolution, which 339 representatives have affirmed to be of vital national
interest and which paves the way to yet another war, to be a 'non story'.