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Big Oil Vs. Plasma Battery Technology - Guess who is winning?

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posted on May, 16 2012 @ 12:44 PM
Fantastic Thread OP !
Thank you for bringing it.
It makes me ill. The power that Big Oil
wields with it's partner the DOE and it's
strong arm & biggest customer the US military.
These inventors that try and help humanity are always murdered.
Then never another mention.

A $10,000 dollar all electric car to go to work and back
would flat out kill oils grip over us.
Magically, they'd "find" more oil and prices would
drop where they should have been all along.
Keep pushing it oil. You have a world of hurt coming.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by RedParrotHead
So, lets say this does exist and "they" release it for public would the world economy be affected?

China, USA, Europe and Japan might have an economic boom after a few years of R&D to get it into production mode.

Resource producers might be hurt, coal and natural gas.

How many millions would be out of a job? Coal miners, electric company workers, mechanics, gas station employees, oil riggers,...

Petroleum for transportation would still be needed for at least fifty years.

For stationary generation, anything involving nuclear anything will take at least 15 years to go into production in USA because of environmental reviews and lawsuits.

So I predict in the USA that nothing economically significant would happen for 10 to 20 years.

China will get it done in four years, and one hopes that this means that they would stop burning so much dirty coal.

So Chinese coal miners will probably lose some jobs, but they'll be thankful since China would be making so many better-paying and safer jobs anyway.

edit on 16-5-2012 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 07:15 PM
Talk about timing! Look at what just hit my email box :

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 07:59 PM
What I don't get is how people keep on believing this manner of thing. Do you REALLY think that governments would sit on something like this (or even could!) IN ORDER to pollute more, kill people and make money? This is so illogical it hurts to type these words. This is like believing we faked pearl harbor to start world war II or that we staged 9/11 to get oil or weapons contracts or that we faked the moon landing to trick the soviet union into thinking we were way ahead of them. What's stupid about this kind of thinking is that there's no proof, first, and second, where is the benefit? Where is all the oil we were supposed to get by staging 9/11? What could possibly justify the death's of millions of more people during world war II? If the government truly wanted to hide technology so that they could make us dependent on them in order to become excessively wealthy, how is that better than releasing the technology and giving that wealth to everyone, including themselves, thus being RICHER? Wouldn't you rather live in a world where this technology was available and billions of people could be elevated to a higher quality of life? Think of all the research that would be pursued and the great strides humanity would make - a huge leap forward. No matter how wealthy you're, you would be far better off releasing the technology to the world than sitting on it.

If they were greedy, as you say, they wouldn't sit on it!

Truly greedy people learn to share. People who don't are stupid.

If you exercise simple deductive logic then it doesn't make sense to believe this garbage.
edit on 16-5-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Techtron
Talk about timing! Look at what just hit my email box :

I read the entire post. Besides sounding like entire BS, there are plenty of papers available online from OSTI to the public regarding the topics he claims are edited out.


Not to mention all the papers available from the LENR crowd, which literally has hundreds out there online.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 09:24 AM
Sorry but I just visited the DoE link you provided and none of those links talk about plasma batteries. Most are about Thorium fission reactors, some about thorium energy and some about plasma energy. But I find nothing about a Thorium Plasma Battery. Did I miss it? If so please post the specific link. Here is a long historical list of energy suppression which starts out too general I admit, but within 3 minutes of reading, it gets very specific and verifiable. And we should not ignore what is posted here as well

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by AnotherEnergyVictim
Sorry but I just visited the DoE link you provided and none of those links talk about plasma batteries. Most are about Thorium fission reactors, some about thorium energy and some about plasma energy. But I find nothing about a Thorium Plasma Battery. Did I miss it? If so please post the specific link. Here is a long historical list of energy suppression which starts out too general I admit, but within 3 minutes of reading, it gets very specific and verifiable. And we should not ignore what is posted here as well

Not surprising as the only paper you have provided about "plasma batteries" talks about black hole physics, which has nothing to do with energy production and everything to do with deep space physics.

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