posted on May, 14 2012 @ 11:08 AM
Didn't know where to put this thread, so i thought I would put it in the gray area.
Got loads of stuff to ask
. It's basically about everything: Dreams, Sleep paralysis, Lucid Dreaming,..
1) I'm into Lucid dreaming. And Last night I was falling asleep slowly. But suddenly some parts of my body started vibrating and I also felt this
electric energy (it's hard to describe it) but it didn't hurt, I just felt it. After this was happening to me I got scared, I turned around and all
these things just stopped. So what was it? Was it the beginning of astral projection/out of body experience/sleep paralysis? I was laying still on my
2) Apperently we dream several times during the night. But I can only remember 1 dream per night. I have a dream journal though, but how do you
remember more dreams per night?
3) I only remember a small part of my dream, I never know how I get there in the first place. I always remember myself in the middle of the dream, is
that normal or can you also remember your entire dream and how you got there?
4)Some people say Sleep paralysis is needed to achieve lucid dreaming. Other people say you don't need it for lucid dreaming. I'm not sure wich one is
true :L. But there must be a technique that doesn't involve SP to start lucid dreaming? If there is one pls let me know!! I just wanna start lucid
dreaming without have SP. Is that possible?
Thanks for reading :]
edit on 14-5-2012 by Crashyy because: (no reason given)