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A Theory of the Federal Reserve and Petrol Dollar Reserve

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posted on May, 13 2012 @ 10:36 AM
For what it's worth, this is my view and theory of what is happening to our financial system. Related to this, we see wars ignite to protect the system that has been developed.

There are five ways to gain a reward like money. All of these require a debt. I will briefly list the five ways, along with a description of who owes the debt.

1) Earn - No Debt owed. The work that earned the positive balance was created by suffering the labor before the reward was taken.

2) Take as a Thief - This method causes two debts. One debt is held by the person who was ripped off. The second debt is incurred by the person who took the reward that they did not earn. Taking always causes a debt. Smoke and you get cancer. Taking leads to a debt that must be paid that is greater than the reward taken.

3) Find - If you find a $20 bill on the ground, the debt is incurred by the person who lost the money. This, again, causes two debts. The person who lost the money had to suffer the work to earn the money. He then must suffer more work to replace the money lost. Two debts.

4) Give - Money can be received as a gift. The person who gives the gift had to suffer the work to gain the reward he gave away.

5) Invest - Money can be earned by investment. In this case, the money itself empowers others to repeat the work in option one. In some cases, investment is also a product of number two.

Each of these requires debt, but only two of these keeps the debt from building up over time. Massive debt can only be caused by numbers 2, 3, and 4.

If you take a look at the Federal Reserve, what you see is a central banking system that receives the deposits of oil revenue from the entire world. As long as the bank is receiving money, it can then be empowered to funnel that money as a gift to corporations. How is this done?

A bill is passed to take a loan from the Reserve. The government then gives that money to a state. The state contracts with a corporation to build something. Who pays the loan? The people eventually pay for the thing built. The Federal Reserve makes the interest back on capital they did not earn themselves. How is it, then, that we have such a massive debt? Easy. What is given is never paid back. As long as new money flows into the system, the ponzi scheme works.

Take a look at what these free loans have done for the bankers and the corporations. The American people foot the bill and capital to purchase cheap China goods and oil. These products are then sold back to the American people cheaply. The capital is then held as debt by the people so that the goods and services are cheap. As long as the reserve grows and continues indefinitely, the system works. It works, that is, until the ones feeding the system decided not to participate. When a country like Iraq decides to use the Euro instead, the entire system shows signs of breaking under the load of debt. In reality, the debt is not owned by the people. It is owned by the one who gave the money and the one who originally ordered the loan.

The people have every right to cancel the debt from the private enterprise known as Washington DC and the Not-So-Federal Reserve lenders.

The US is too big to fail. Washington and the Fed can easily fail and go bankrupt. We have the legal authority to write this debt off and cancel the loan due to fraudulent lending practices.

That's my theory.

edit on 13-5-2012 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

IMHO, you are spot on! The FED is a gangster's retreat! When organized crime thinned in the U.S., it did not disappear completely, it merely took up residence in Washington D.C.!

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 11:30 AM
Yep I think you got it.
Our heads are in a noose from birth and we are non the wiser. Our dependency on Petro has us by the throat. It financially feeds our captors which in turn has us financing our own captivity.

We have knowledge from 50 plus years floating around on Youtube telling how to make Biomass Generators, Magnet Motors, and Hydrogen Cells but oddly enough no was can seem to master or sell them on a global scale.

We don't seem to have trouble putting advanced satellites into space or stem cell cloning but we can't seem to get our minds around perpetual and wireless energy even when Nikola Tesla did it nearly a Century ago.

Ending the Fed would free us more than you know but I don't think it'll happen any time soon. They know they have us and they won't just give that up.

This image alone should show you just how much they have us.

edit on 13-5-2012 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 11:30 AM
Oops double post
edit on 13-5-2012 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2012 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by ajay59
reply to post by EnochWasRight

IMHO, you are spot on! The FED is a gangster's retreat! When organized crime thinned in the U.S., it did not disappear completely, it merely took up residence in Washington D.C.!

If I were the moneychangers, I would read all of Luke 12. Every word: Link

edit on 13-5-2012 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

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