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Whatever happened to the vsionaries the free thinkers The leaders?

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posted on May, 12 2012 @ 04:26 PM
This post will be a wake up call to the older generation specially from the 60s and to the younger generation from my time.

Have you noticed that there are no more leaders anymore there are no more people who changed the world there are no more people who saw something wrong with the world and changed it? There are no more people who took to the streets and shouted when they had a problem? And how come there are no more leaders like JFK or Martin Luther king junior the people who lead us in times of crisis or changed the world with there actions and words? Granted something could be said for the dummimg down of Americans thought the past 30 years but that does not excuse the fact that my generation is incredibly lazy and self centered. possibly the lazyest in histiory

So to the yonger Americans Consider this to be your wakeup call Start Protesting Start Leading Start Taking Back your country Make Noise And Change the World Make the rest of the world respect you again turn of jersy shore Get of facebook And do somthing

to the older crowd there is a song By Rise Against that could apply to all of you

Don't you remember when you were young
And you wanted to set the world on fire?
Somewhere deep down, I know you do
And don't you remember when we were young
And we wanted to set the world on fire?
Because I still am and I still do

edit on 12-5-2012 by ninjas4321 because: mistake

edit on 12-5-2012 by ninjas4321 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-5-2012 by ninjas4321 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 04:33 PM
The quote of the day for me. They are out there. They are all of us at any given moment. We are the change when the world becomes the change. It is in our greater purpose to build upon ourselves rather than to slash and burn all that ever was. To advance in all that we are rather than enhance a select parts we dimly understand now.

We are not a chicken yet or an egg anymore. Humility is the necessary trait that catapults a people into true transcendence. The sight is not preordained if the eye is not yet open.

How would a lesser being know what a greater being is? How could his aspirations of becoming that thing he thinks is better be greater than what he is becoming as he grows. Him being the one perfected, not some image of what a greater him could be.

Originally posted by sonnny1

The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace,
Whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign,
Is the jewel of his kingdom.

VNV NATION-Art Of Conflict

edit on 12-5-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 04:40 PM
they've been hired by the nwo to promote and think up new agendas.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 04:41 PM
That's OK I have accepted my fate.

Where are my leaders? I guess I didn't need them to begin with.

So I became my own leader. I made my own vision for myself.

I highly suggest everyone else should consider giving it a try as well.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 04:43 PM
The problem is you do not need leaders anymore. You need to stand on your own two feet and lead yourself for yourself.

Lazy is when you want something, but instead of getting what you want for yourself, you sit around and wait for someone else to come along then ask them to get it for you.

Stop looking for a leader yourself and go be a leader for yourself.

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by emberscott
The problem is you do not need leaders anymore. You need to stand on your own two feet and lead yourself for yourself.

Right that's exactly the problem.

People want to be led. So they get led off a cliff.

All of our problems today stem from our gregarious nature and desire to "follow" the herd. It was the act of following a leader that got us in all this trouble to begin with.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 09:20 PM
I'll tell you want happened to all the free thinkers, but you're not going to like it (go Marv! ^.^):

All the free thinkers were told to sit down and shut up. Raise your hand, wait your turn. And God help you if you answered a question intelligently instead of "right."

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 09:32 PM
I think digital media has minimized the spoken word of those who are not beholden to the brokers of power. Some of the leaders and free-thinkers get sucked into the machine, and find that making lots of money is better than the alternative.

Media operates to sell, and sensationalizes to increase those sales. Much of it doesn't seem as much interested in truth, as entertainment for the masses.

Additionally, I think many modern cultures have seeminly moved to a place where people are embarrassed rather than interested, it listening to a person standing and talking to a group. Don't look at the crazy man, just keep walking. Don't make eye contact, for God's sake, you might learn something.

The leaders are there. The means of expression have been antiquated.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 09:50 PM
The old idea of "leaders" in the sense you talk about was largely media constructed. It represents media consensus and reflected a centralized media of a limited number of publications and tv channels.

Today we have a massive and decentralized media environment that is characterized by thousands of independent communication channels. It's much harder for a single individual to monopolize attention in this information-dense milieu.

Personally I see the end of the "leader" era as good thing and a sign of sophistication. What matters now is ideas, not people. The struggle is to create effective memes and viral worldviews, not so much to march in rank and file behind a single name or face.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by ninjas4321
And how come there are no more leaders like JFK or Martin Luther king junior the people who lead us in times of crisis or changed the world with there actions and words?

Sometimes I look around and have problems finding people worth taking a bullet for. People who participate in udder moo moo poo poo. Compliance with the laws in mandatory regardless whether or not anyone can live long enough to learn the number of them or not. And, NO, the laws are not required learning in schools. And, NO, no one is going to live long enough to learn the number of laws that exist... let alone what they all are and what they all mean when held in context with eachother simultaneously. Solutions? Vote for more lawmakers, and if you don't then you are not patriotic and hate your country. Oh, sorry about all the cuts to education.... oh, not too sorry about all the tax cuts to corporations and the rich.

Granted something could be said for the dummimg down of Americans thought the past 30 years .....

America's national average IQ (92) is far closer to legally impaired (70 and below) than it is the genius range (140 and above).

Here in Illinois the federal government spends less than 75% of the taxes they get from us on us. More than 25% of our federal taxes get spent somewhere else. Then there are the "richer" states that are getting 700% to 900% of federal money spent on their state by the federal governent. I think If I were Illinios I would think about leaving the union. .... or just keep letting the federal government throw our governors in prison. Eh.... whatever...
edit on 16-5-2012 by ILikeStars because: (no reason given)

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