posted on May, 12 2012 @ 03:58 PM
So I don't post here as often as I used to, but when I have a unique experience I do try to share. If you look back through my previous posts I have
given a broad outline of experiences I have been having since I was in my teens, where I am out of my body. I had another such experience last night
and I brought back a small token of truth. It is so rare to truly find evidence or information that corroborates your experience.
In this particular trip I was "on the other side" visiting some deceased relatives. I don't remember getting there and I don't remember leaving,
but I often find myself visiting. I was sitting on a couch across from my grandmother and my aunt was in the room with us. We were having a
conversation about life when I noticed a picture in a frame on the coffee table. The little boy in the picture looked remarkably like the pictures of
me when I was young. I picked up the picture and ask my grandmother, "is this a picture of me grandma?"
"No" she remarked, "that is a picture of my bompa. She took the picture from my hand and kind of tilted it. When she did the young man in the
picture became a tall lanky old man with graying hair and a friendly smile. She walked over to a bureau where my aunt was standing and came back with
an armful of photographs. She started showing me these pictures of all the decedents of bompa. I started to cry thinking to myself that I had all
this family that I had never met. That was the last thing from the trip that I remember.
When I woke up the first thing I did was go to my computer and google bompa. It was such a distinct word that I had brought back with me. I wasn't
really expecting it to mean anything, I know that my memory after the fact on these sort of things can be hazy. Well it turns out that Bompa, means
grandpa in Flemish. Flemish is a language shared in the Netherlands and Belgium. If this weren't enough proof of the truth in my experience, just
to be sure I called my mother. I had always known that there was some native american in my geneology, but had never looked to far into the European
heritage. Sure enough when I asked my mother about my grandmothers lineage, she informed me that my grandmothers grandparents were indeed dutch,
which to me says west German, Netherlands and Belgium. I am going to do some more research, but this whole experience just confirms for me the
beliefs I hold that the soul is eternal and that life on earth is only the beginning.